Depending on when you started using i. Cloud, your i. Cloud email addresses or aliases might end with @icloud., and com, @me. Com, or @mac., and com. No matter which address you send email from, you’ll get all email sent to your @me., and com, @mac. Com, or @icloud. Com email addresses in your i, and cloud inbox.
Depending on when you created your i. Cloud account, your i. Cloud email addresses and aliases may end with @icloud. , and com, @me. Com, or @mac., and com domains. Learn how these email addresses are granted.
Another thing we wondered was when did my email address end with @iCloud?
If you created an i. Cloud account on or after September 19, 2012, your email address ends with @icloud., and com. Learn more about @icloud. Com mail addresses. If you created an i. Cloud account before September 19, 2012, or moved to i. Cloud with an active Mobile. Me account before August 1, 2012, you have both @me. Com and @icloud. Com email addresses.
You may be wondering “What happened to @me and @iCloud accounts?”
Apple has ended the @me, and @icloud account availability to new Apple users, in addition the @apple. Com accounts are only for Apple employees. If you already have one it is currently still available for email but the i. Cloud restriction seems to be associated with this change.
Are icloud emails encrypted?
Consistent with standard industry practice, i. Cloud does not encrypt data stored on IMAP mail servers. All Apple email clients support optional S/MIME encryption. End-to-end encryption provides the highest level of data security.
Any data accessed via i, and cloud. Com is encrypted on server as indicated in this table. All traffic between your devices and i. Cloud Mail is encrypted with TLS 1.2. Consistent with standard industry practice, i. Cloud does not encrypt data stored on IMAP mail servers. All Apple email clients support optional S/MIME encryption.
, with i Cloud Backup enabled, your i. Cloud messages are encrypted, then backed up to i. Cloud and stored on Apple’s servers. However, Apple receives a copy of the key that is used to encrypt that backup.
No one else, not even Apple, can access end-to-end encrypted information. In some cases, your i. Cloud data may be stored using third-party partners’ servers—such as Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform—but these partners don’t have the keys to decrypt your data stored on their servers.
How do I send and receive email from iCloud?
, i, and cloud. Com: Click CC/Bcc From, then choose your @icloud. Com address from the From menu. Then complete your email and send it. To make your @icloud. Com address the default for sending and receiving email from i. Cloud, follow the steps below for each of your devices. If you’re using i. OS 10.3 or later: Go to Settings > Mail.
Also, what email addresses can I use with my iCloud account?
If you had a working @mac. Com email address as of July 9, 2008, kept your Mobile. Me account active, and moved to i. Cloud before August 1, 2012, you can use @icloud., and com, @me. Com, and @mac. Com email addresses with your i, and cloud account.
How can I send an encrypted email on my iPhone?
Part of Apple’s improved security included encryption for i. Cloud (though not for files ), which also lets you send encrypted email messages through the i. OS Mail app. Before you begin, you’ll need to install S/MIME certificates or connect your device to a Microsoft Exchange server.