How to icloud lock my stolen iphone?

To find your device, sign in to i, and cloud., and com/ find . Or use the Find My app on another Apple device that you own. Mark as Lost. When you mark your device as lost, you remotely lock it with a passcode, keeping your information secure. Report your missing device to local law enforcement. Law enforcement might request the serial number of your device. Find the serial number. File a Theft and Loss claim. If your missing i. Phone is covered by Apple. Care+ with Theft and Loss, file a claim for an i, and phone replacement. Remotely erase your device. After you erase a device, you can’t track its location, so make sure that you no longer need to search for the device. Contact your wireless carrier. If the missing device is an i. Phone or an i. Pad with cellular, report your missing device to your wireless carrier. Remove your missing device from your account. If you have Apple. Care+ with Theft and Loss, do not remove your lost i. Phone from your account until your claim has been approved.

Find my i. Phone is one the powerful programs that can help you locate and remotely lock your lost or stolen i. Phone from anywhere. “Find my i. Phone” includes a mode called “Lost Mode” which at its best helps you to set a Passcode on your lost device thereby locking it right away.

Yet another query we ran across in our research was “How to remove iCloud lock from iPhone?”.

One of the easiest ways to remove the i. Cloud lock from an i. Phone is to ask the owner of the phone to help you do it. When your phone gets locked, it basically asks for an Apple account username and password. The previous owner should have the account details and they can unlock the phone for you.

1 First, go the icloud. Com/find on your computer, or you can simply use another i. Phone and use the Find My i, and phone app. 2 Now, open the app and select the device. 3 If you want to block or lock your device completely, you can use the Lost Mode feature to lock your device remotely via a passcode and save all your data. , and more items.

What is iCloud lock and how to use it?

, i Cloud lock is a feature designed to protect your i. Phone from missing, being stolen, or being erased. If it’s the first time you get a new i. Phone, register your i. Phone with an Apple ID, set ” Find My i. Phone ” on to make it i. Cloud locked, your device would be safer than ever.

Moreover, what is iCloud lock and Activation Lock?

One thought is that, i Cloud Lock is Apple’s protection system. This feature is used to prevent others from using your i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Apple Watch if the device is lost or stolen. Activation Lock is automatically enabled when you enable “Find My i. Phone “., i Cloud account is stolen .

Why is my iCloud account locked by Apple?

If Apple’s security systems see that an i. Cloud account is being used in a suspicious way, or may be subject to abuse, it can result in the account being locked. This starts a process for the rightful owner of the account to assert that it is theirs, and it blocks all other access until this is completed.

Apple automatically lock i. Cloud accounts and Apple IDs that they believe are at risk of unauthorised access, and this locking is partly triggered by what they perceive may be unusual user activity.

How to put iPhone in lost mode on iCloud?

1 In Find My i. Phone on i, and cloud. Com, click All Devices, then select the device you want to put into Lost Mode or lock. 3 Follow the onscreen instructions, keeping the following in mind: Passcode: If your i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Apple Watch has a passcode, it’s required to unlock the device.