By default, your i. Cloud Drive folder will be in your main User folder. For example, in C:/Users/Richard/i. Cloud Drive, as it is on my PC. Navigate to the director’s location in File Explorer.
Where do I find icloud on my laptop?
You can click on the start menu (the windows globe at the bottom left hand corner of your screen) and just type in “icloud” and the search will automatically locate it if it is installed on your system.
Another frequent inquiry is “How do I set up iCloud on my Windows PC?”.
Set up i. Cloud on your Windows PC Download i. Cloud for Windows Sign in to i. Cloud Choose the i. Cloud services that you want to use.
Well,, i Cloud for Windows lets you access your files, photos, contacts, calendars, and more on your Apple devices and your Windows PC.
How do I Find my iCloud Drive files on Windows?
When you turn on i. Cloud Drive, i. Cloud for Windows will create an i. Cloud Drive folder in File Explorer. You can find documents that you’ve stored in i. Cloud in this folder. After you’ve created a file on your PC and saved it to the i. Cloud Drive folder, it will also appear on your other devices.
After you sign in to i. Cloud, select the services that you want to use and click Apply. For example, if you turn on i. Cloud Photos and i. Cloud Drive, i. Cloud for Windows creates new folders for those files in File Explorer. Now, the files that you add to the i. Cloud folders automatically appear on your Apple devices.
Similar to the Mac, you can view your i. Cloud Photos in two places on your PC. One way is through the Files Explorer and the other is using your browser. To look through your i. Cloud Photos in File Explorer you’ll first need to download i. Cloud for Windows.
How do I Find my iCloud backups on my computer?
On your PC, open i. Cloud for Windows and click Storage. Also note that i. Cloud is an incremental backup system. So there is only one backup file per device. That file gets updated every time your device backs up, but there is no archive kept of the previous backup. If you use i. Cloud Backup, you won’t find a list of your backups on i, and cloud., and com.