By default, imessage will never say or show delivered if the recipient phone is switched off because imessage will be unavailable, but in some cases whereby the recipient apple ID is connected to other Apple devices, imessage will say delivered as long as it is available.
In general, i. Message won’t say delivered if the recipient’s phone is off. However, in some particular cases, it might say delivered. Let’s take a closer look. A couple of conditions need to be met for i. Message to be delivered to the recipient’s phone. The phone needs to be turned on., i Message needs to be enabled.
This begs the inquiry “How do iMessage messages get delivered when phone is off?”
I discovered By default they will simply wait for the phone to be turned back on, and then they will be delivered. While the phone is off that message will wait on Apple’s servers. You can i. Message them when they have Wi-Fi, but your messages will continue to send if they leave that coverage, just as SMS messages instead. Will an i. Message eventually deliver?
It will not. Delivered means the message is now on the recipients device. If the recipient’s is off/not connected to the internet, the i. Message will not reach their device and will not register as delivered.
It may show delivered if their i. Phone is off because it can be received by their i. Pad Mac or Apple Watch. These devices can receive i. Message regardless of an i, and phone. Imessage is not dependent on an i. Phone, if the messagenis sent properly, it will be received on other devices the person has, this showing “Delivered”.
Then, does iMessage show up as delivered on all devices?
The Answer: NO but there’s a caveat!, an i Message will only show up as “Delivered” if it has been successfully delivered to at least one of the recipient’s devices that are enabled for i, and message. So, if the text recipient is only using their i. Phone and had no other devices setup for i. Message, like an i. Pad or Mac computer,.
Does the text message Say delivered if the iPhone is off?
No, if the iphone is off, the message will never say delivered because the phone is not active, the cellular network is not active, and the imessage is not active as well.
While we were writing we ran into the query “Why does my text say delivered if my phone is off?”.
So, if the text recipient is only using their i. Phone and had no other devices setup for i. Message, like an i. Pad or Mac computer, the text will NOT show up as delivered. So in this situation, an i. Message can say delivered, but the text recipient’s i. Phone may actually just have a dead battery.
What does delivered mean on iMessage?
Delivered means the message is now on the recipients device. If the recipient’s is off/not connected to the internet, the i. Message will not reach their device and will not register as delivered.
One of the next things we asked ourselves was; why is my iMessage not being delivered to the recipient?
If the recipient’s is off/not connected to the internet, the i. Message will not reach their device and will not register as delivered .
Why does my iMessage say delivered but not send?
For an i. Message to go through, the phone must be on, must have an i. Message enabled, and must have a working Wi-Fi or cellular data. If any of the listed things are missing, the imessage will never go through and it will never say delivered after sending a message because indeed the message has not been received by the recipient.
Will an iMessage go through if the other person’s phone is switched off?
Yea it just shows you that it was delivered but if his phone is switched off then he won’t even know you’re sending a message unless he has Wi. Fi like I’m doing now and i. Phones can send to each other only i, and phones.
What happens when you send an iMessage message to someone else?
If the other person has other devices with i. Message enabled, one of those will receive the message before the i. Phone and the sender will see the status “delivered ”. If the i. Phone is the only device, the message will only show delivered when the phone has been switched on again and it has access to the Internet.