Are imessages sms?

, i Message: An i. Message is a type of text message that can only be sent from an Apple device to another Apple device, like an i. Phone or an i, and pad., an i Message can include standard text like an SMS message, but also photos, videos, and other add-ons like GIFs., i Messages require an internet connection (either through Wi-Fi or a data plan) and are automatically encrypted.

What is the difference between iMessages and SMS messages?

Let’s start with some basic definitions of i. Messages vs. SMS messages. SMS message: SMS stands for Short Message Service. This is one of the original forms of text message technology, and is still the most widely used today.

This app is capable of sending both i. Message and SMS messages., i Messages are in blue and text messages are green. , i Messages only work between i. Phones (and other Apple devices such as i. Pads). If you are using an i. Phone and you send a message to a friend on Android, it will be sent as a SMS message and will be green.

, i Messages are texts, photos, or videos that you send to another i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi or cellular-data networks. These messages are always encrypted and appear in blue text bubbles. To turn i. Message on or off, go to Settings > Messages.

When we first started using cell phones, we could make phone calls and send messages over a cellular network. This type of message was called SMS, or Short Messaging Service text message. Back then, sending SMS messages was inconvenient—it required the painstaking task of inputting letters on a numeric keyboard.

Do imessages show up as text?

, i Messages normally appear in blue text bubbles (messages between Apple devices). If you’ve enabled “Send as SMS” on your i. Phone, when i. Message is not available your messages will be sent as SMS. Keep in mind Carrier messaging rates may apply. If you know someone has an i. Phone and suddenly text messages between you and that person are green.

If both of the i. Phones are using i. Message, the messages will go through your data connection and will most likely not show up as texts which are sent/received in My Verizon . Messages sent through i. Message to another device also using i. Message will not show up in your text log .

I am happy to further explain., i Message does require a data connection so even if the messages are between two i. Phones, but one of the i. Phones is not connected to the Internet at the time the message is sent or received, it would be a text message instead of an i, and message. When that is the case, the messages would show up in your message log .

This of course begs the query “Can AT&T view all text messages including iMessages?”

Since AT&T went to a new billing format, text messages via i. Message (i. Phone to i. Phone) do not show up on text logs. Is there any way to view all text messages including i, and messages?, i Messages have never shown up on AT&T text logs.

How can you tell if a text message has been sent iMessage?

You can tell if you have sent an i. Message because the shading around the message will be blue. Traditional SMS text messages have green shading around them. But even if you and your recipient have i. Message enabled on your Apple devices, it’s possible that a message will be sent as an SMS.

Is there a log of messages sent and received on iPhone?

Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. If you use i. Message, those messages appeared in blue text bubbles are always encrypted. So you can not see any log from i, and message.

Is iMessage safe to use?

If you have an i. Phone, communicating with i. Message is much more private and secure than using plain old SMS. Hopefully, Android users will one day have secure end-to-end encrypted messages built into their devices after improvements are made to RCS.