If you receive messages on one device but not the other If you have an i. Phone and another i. OS device, like an i. Pad, your i. Message settings might be set to receive and start messages from your Apple ID instead of your phone number. To check if your phone number is set to send and receive messages, go to Settings > Messages, and tap Send & Receive.
The most frequent answer is, usually, you are automatically signed in to your Apple ID once you enable i. Message, that’s why you might not know how to log in, which is not good this may be the reason for i. Message not syncing. Below are the steps to sign out and sign in to i. Message with your Apple ID: i, and os device.
, if i Message or Facetime isn’t working, turning each off and on will, more often than not, fix the problem. Just like turning your i. Phone off and on usually fixes any problems you’re having, turning i. Message or Facetime off and on will usually do the same., toggle i, and messages off. Wait five minutes., toggle i Message back On.
How do I know if iMessage is turned off?
, i Message is turned off on your device or on your recipient’s device. To check if i. Message is turned on for your device, go to Settings > Messages > i, and message., i Message is temporarily unavailable on your device or on your recipient’s device. Learn the difference between i. Message and MMS/SMS messages.
What happens if iMessage is down?
The good news is that even if i. Message is down, you should still be able to communicate with your friends via normal texts. , if i Message is failing, your message should automatically be pushed into green-bubble texts instead of blue-bubble i, and messages. Green indicates that the message is being sent as a text, rather than an i, and message).
What are the disadvantages of iMessage?
The primary drawback of i. Message is that it only works between Apple devices. It’s impossible to send an i. Message to someone with an Android smartphone.