They lean in to the voice and listen closely 2. Some additional ideas to think about are they reflex their creativity 7, they learn how to skillfully manage their emotions 5, they tune in to their body 6, they have dedicated quiet time each day 3, they listen to their dreams, or they develop mindfulness in daily life 4.
I know some intuitives who aren’t very intelligent and some sensors who are in the IQ 140+ range at one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Sure this is anecdotal, but your generalizations disregard the fact that while there’s less sensors who are very intelligent, there still are a lot.
A key quality that distinguishes intuitive people from the crowd is empathic accuracy. This super skill grants them a superior ability to understand people’s thoughts and feelings. It is not mind reading, but rather the capacity to comprehend body language and tone of voice at a higher level. Being empathetic has more perks than you might think.
Why do intuitives feel like the Odd Man Out?
This can lead to quantum differences in personality, and Intuitives may spend a lifetime feeling like the odd man out. Because Intuitives are the minority, the onus is on them to adjust to the Sensor way of thinking. Here are some points to help you overcome the communication barrier so you can start enjoying a Sensor’s company.
What is intuition in psychology?
Intuitive people learn to tune into their bodies and heed their “gut feelings.” If you’ve ever started feeling sick to your stomach when you knew something was wrong but couldn’t put your finger on what, you understand that intuitions can cause a physical sensation in the body.
When I was writing we ran into the question “Is there a link between intuition and success?”.
Highly intuitive people make decisions that had not been thought out carefully; they make choices that have arisen quickly out of instinct. Although scientists have struggled to find quantifiable evidence that the intuitive sense exists, new findings have discovered the link between success and intuition.
Does intuition make you smarter?
That’s probably why George Washington was speculated to be such a brilliant Sensing person – military strategy and thinking of concrete ways to handle the minute details of government would drive a primarily Intuitive person such as myself insane! So yeah, Intuition alone doesn’t make one smarter. It just makes you drunk!, and reply.
A common question we ran across in our research was “Do you pay attention to your intuition?”.
“But it’s a great gift that needs to be noticed.” The No. 1 thing that distinguishes intuitive people is that they listen to, rather than ignore, the guidance of their intuitions and gut feelings. “Everybody is connected to their intuition, but some people don’t pay attention to it as intuition,” Burnham say.
So, are intuitives generally smarter than SS?
I use to think the same way kind of, th king that i. Ntuitives are probably generally smarter than Ss, but i’m pretty new to MBTI, knew about it last year and came out as a INFP ( very strong intuitive preference ). I’m a MBTI fan also, but I dont think any type is better than the other lol.
What is the difference between an intuitive person and a sensor?
The main difference why intuitives are on average intelectual smarter than sensors is that they are always looking for everything and nothing while sensors first focus on what is. and both bring their own kind of smartness and strenght! Do sensors understand intuitive people (MBTI)?
You may be asking “Are intuitives smarter than sensors?”
, and absolutely not. Some research suggests that Intuitives perform better at IQ tests than Sensors, but as these tests measure only your ability to pass the test, and the tests themselves appear to be designed by Intuitives for Intuitives, that doesn’t tell us very much.
Intuitives may be skeptical of the Sensor’s firsthand experience, and Sensors may be skeptical of the Intuitives pattern-finding. Intuitives may not trust the facts that the Sensor is presenting, and Sensors may not trust the new, unlived information that the Intuitive is using to strategize their plans.
Sensors and Intuitives can drive each other crazy because they see and interpret things differently. Yet Sensors and Intuitives need each other for these very same reasons.
How can a sensing or intuitive difference show up in daily life?
This example is just one of the ways that a Sensing or Intuitive difference can show up in daily life. Sensors and Intuitives can drive each other crazy because they see and interpret things differently. Yet Sensors and Intuitives need each other for these very same reasons.
In relationships, the Sensing/Intuition difference can be a difficult hurdle to jump at times. The Intuitive wants to discuss a theory or concept while the sensor wants to discuss their experiences that day or some facts and details. Over time both partners can feel like they’re running out of things to talk about.