What to do if ipad is disabled and no itunes?

If your i. Pad has been disabled completely, you have to erase the device and reinstall i, pad OS software to start with a clean slate., i OS System Recovery is one such program that unlocks your i. Pad in the case that you can’t use i. Tunes to do that.

I Option 3 : How to restore disabled i. Pad without i. Tunes – Recovery mode in Finder 1 Take a Lightning cable and plug one end to your i. Pad, but don’t connect to the computer. 2 Place the device into recovery mode. 3 Launch Finder app on Mac and select your tablet from sidebar. 4 Click “Restore” option to restore your i, and pad.

How to restore iPad without iTunes?

Here’s how you can restore i. Pad without i. Tunes from a prior i, and tunes backup. To begin with, just install the application and launch Mobile. Trans on your system. From the provided options on its home, click on the “Backup&Restore” module and make sure your i. Pad is connected to the computer.

Another common query is “How to reset a disabled iPad?”.

1 Launch i. Tunes on PC/Mac and connect your disabled i. Pad to computer with which you’ve synced via a USB cable. 2 When the icon of the device is displayed in the i. Tunes sidebar, Click i. Pad icon on the top left menu of i. Tunes, and enter the “Summary”. 3 Click the ” Restore i. Pad” button to reset the disabled i, and pad., and more items.

Why can’t I connect my disabled iPad to iTunes?

Assume that i. Pad is disabled and won’t connect to i. Tunes, say, you don’t see your i. Pad, that means it can be recognized. Or perhaps when connecting it to i. Tunes, a message pops up “i. Tunes could not connect to the i. Pad. because it is locked with a passcode. You must enter your passcode on the i. Pad before it can be used with i. Tunes.”.

, when i Pad displays ‘i. Pad is disabled connect to i. Tunes’ after multiple wrong passcode attempts, you will need to unlock disabled i. Pad by resetting it. Here’s how to fix.

How to restore iPad to default settings with iTunes?

Here are steps on how to restore i. Pad to default settings with i. Tunes: Step 1: Run i. Tunes latest version on your computer and then, connect your i. Pad to the computer using a digital cable. Step 2: Next, tap on device icon and then, navigate to “Summary” tab. Here, click on “Restore i. Pad” option to restore i, and pad.

How do I restore my iPhone or iPad or iPod Touch?

Important: Restoring software on i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch deletes all your information and settings., however, i Tunes backs up your device before restoring it, so you can use the backup to restore your device to how it was when you last used it. Connect your device to your computer.

One article argued that Restore your device from an i. Tunes backup Open i. Tunes on the Mac or PC that you used to back up your device. Connect your device to your computer with a USB cable.* If a message asks for your device passcode or to Trust This Computer, follow the onscreen steps.