My iphone will only send imessages?

Check your network connection. To send a message as i. Message or MMS, you need a cellular data or Wi-Fi connection Check with your carrier to see if the type of message you’re trying to send, like MMS or SMS, is supported. If you’re trying to send group MMS messages on an i. Phone, go to Settings > Messages and turn on MMS Messaging More items.

If your i. Phone is not sending SMS messages, it is suggested that you check your network settings. SMS messages not sending are often largely caused by user error such as putting your phone on ‘Do not disturb’ mode. Find out if a user error is to blame for your i. Phone not sending i. Messages by eliminating the following as possibilities.

If you receive messages on one device but not the other If you have an i. Phone and another i. OS device, like an i. Pad, your i. Message settings might be set to receive and start messages from your Apple ID instead of your phone number. To check if your phone number is set to send and receive messages, go to Settings > Messages, and tap Send & Receive .

How do I send and receive messages without an iPhone?

If you don’t have an i. Phone, you can only send and receive messages with your Apple ID to other Apple devices using i, and message. To use i. Message, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and make sure that you’re signed in with your Apple ID.

Some sources claimed when you send a Text Message from i. Phone, Apple makes use of its own i. Cloud Network to deliver the Message as free i. Message to Apple Device Users. If your Contact is not using an i. Phone, the sent Message is sent as paid SMS Text Message, using Carriers Network.

How to fix iMessage doesn’t say delivered?

The final method that worked for some users to fix the i. Message doesn’t say “Delivered” issue is to check your cellular data plan. Make sure that your Cellular data plan is still available if you use it to send and receive messages.

You could be asking “Why is my text message not being sent?”

If your Contact is not using an i. Phone, the sent Message is sent as paid SMS Text Message, using Carriers Network. If this is not happening, the problem could be due to the Recipient having recently switched from i. Phone to Android Phone.

Can I send and receive iMessages from my phone number?

If you don’t see your phone number, you can link your i. Phone number to your Apple ID so you can send and receive i. Messages from your phone number. You can also set up Text Message Forwarding so you can send and receive MMS and SMS messages on all of your Apple devices.

Why does iMessage take so long to send messages?

If the i. Message application has stored a lot of photos and videos, it may work slower. So, before e starting everything, check whether you have enough storage to receive messages.

Why iMessage needs to be enabled to send this message?

There is possibility that the Apple i. Message server is down, nobody can use i. Message feature to send the message. That may be the reason why you get an “i. Message needs to be enabled to send this message” on your i, and phone. This situation is rare, but it can exist.