Where itunes backup stored windows 10?

, apple’s i Tunes is a one-in-all media manager and a playback app for both Mac and Windows. It stores the entire Backup of your i. OS device in the primary disk of your Mac and windows., using i Tunes is also possible on computers or other devices running Windows 10. Further, you cannot change the default backup location.

Where is my iTunes backup folder on Windows 10?

On a Windows computer, the location of your i. Tunes backup folder is: Users(username)App, data, roamingapple computer, mobile, sync, and backup. You can use “Search Bar” on your PC to search “%appdata%”, and then go to Apple Computer > Mobile Sync > Backup, to find all backups files on your Windows computer., find i Tunes Backup Location on Windows.

How do I change the iTunes backup location on Windows 10?

Change the i. Tunes Backup Location on Windows 10 Before you redirect i. Tunes backup location, rename the current backup folder so that it doesn’t get overwritten. In the original i. Tunes backup location, select the Backup folder, right-click on it and select Rename. Change its name to Backup. Old and press Enter to save it.

One more query we ran across in our research was “Why should you change iTunes iPhone backup location Windows 10?”.

, i Tunes backups are only certain i. OS data like app files, settings, and camera roll photos from the i. Phone every time you sync. If the i. Tunes backup gets full, then it affects the ideal performance of your system. Following are some important reasons why you want to change i, tunes i Phone backup location windows 10 Heavy storage on Disk C.

Where is the backup stored in Windows 10?

In Windows 8, it’s be stored at: C:\Users\~\App, data\roaming\apple computer\mobile Sync\Backup In Windows 10.

This of course begs the question “How to find iPhone backup on Windows 10?”

One article stated that Here is a quick way to find your i. Phone backups immediately. Step 1: Press Windows + R keys to bring up the Run window. Step 3: Click OK. The i. Tunes backups folder will be opened. For the Windows Store version of i. Tunes, enter this path: %USERPROFILE%Apple, mobile, and sync instead.

For Windows XP users, your computer stores all of your i. Phone backup files in the path like this: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Apple Computer\Mobile, and sync\backup. For the Windows Store version of i. Tunes, the location is slightly different.

How to store iTunes backups on external hard drive?

You can choose to store i. Tunes backups to an external hard drive with these steps. Step 1: In the directory, you want to store i. Tunes backup, create a new folder and named it as something like “New Backups”. Step 2: Go to the default i. Tunes backup location and rename the default i. Tunes backup folder to something like “Backup. old”.

This of course begs the query “How to manage iTunes backup on iPhone?”

Here is what we learned. if using the latest Catalina, then head over to the connected i. Phone under the Locations section in the Finder window. Here click on “Manage Backups”, Device backups window will pop up. Right-click on the backup file and press “Show in Finder”. Part 2: How to change the i. Tunes backup location?