See the following from If you can’t redeem your App Store & i. Tunes Gift Card, Apple Music Gift Card, or content code – Apple Support. App Store & i. Tunes Gift Cards and Apple Music Gift Cards don’t expire, but content codes do.
There’s no new expiration date for i. Tunes gift cards, and Apple will honor them for the foreseeable future., i Tunes gifts don’t normally have expiration dates, so you should be able to use even particularly old cards.
Don’t wait too long to use them as they do have an expiration date. Actually, the cards themselves don’t expire, but the content codes do. When talking of US i. Tunes card expiration date, you actually refer to that of the content codes, which expire on the date specified on the instrument containing them.
Another common inquiry is “Do App Store gift cards expire?”.
They don’t expire. See the following from If you can’t redeem your App Store & i. Tunes Gift Card, Apple Music Gift Card, or content code – Apple Support App Store & i. Tunes Gift Cards and Apple Music Gift Cards don’t expire, but content codes do.
When do they expire?, i Phone 5s, i. OS 12.1 Posted on Nov 20, 2018 3:01 PM They don’t expire. See the following from If you can’t redeem your App Store & i. Tunes Gift Card, Apple Music Gift Card, or content code – Apple Support.
When talking of US i. Tunes card expiration date, you actually refer to that of the content codes, which expire on the date specified on the instrument containing them.
Check the expiration date. If you’re trying to redeem a content code, check the expiration date printed on the back of the card. App Store & i. Tunes Gift Cards and Apple Music Gift Cards don’t expire, but content codes do. If you need more help, contact us.
What are App Store&iTunes gift cards?
App Store & i. Tunes Gift Cards are solely for the purchase of goods and services on the i. Tunes Store, Apple Books, Apple Music, and the App Store. Should you receive a request for payment using App Store & i. Tunes Gift Cards outside of i. Tunes and the App Store, please report it at ftccomplaintassistant., and gov .
Apple Gift Cards are solely for the purchase of goods and services from the Apple Store, the Apple Store app, apple. Com, the App Store, i. Tunes, Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple Books, and other Apple properties. Should you receive a request for payment using Apple Gift Cards outside of the former, please report it at FTC Complaint Assistant.
Can I redeem my gift card at the Apple Store?
Gift cards may not be redeemed at the i. Tunes Store, at Apple resellers, for cash (except as required by law), or for shipments outside the U. S. Gift cards will remain active even if added to the Wallet app on your i, and os device.
You can’t redeem cards outside of the country or region of purchase. For example, an App Store & i. Tunes Gift Card purchased in France can’t be redeemed in an i. Tunes Store in the U. S. When redeeming Apple Music Gift Cards, make sure to redeem the cards in the i. Tunes Store for the same country or region.
Then, why can’t I redeem my Apple Store gift card?
Make sure that your card is not an Apple Store Gift Card. Apple Store Gift Cards are gray, white, silver, or gold. You can’t redeem Apple Store Gift Cards in the App Store or i, and tunes store. Find out what to do if you have an Apple Store Gift Card or don’t know what type of gift card you have. Try entering your redemption code manually.
How long does iTunes content code last?
In terms of expiration, you need to know that the unused balances of credit created in the US i. Tunes Store expire two years from the date the code was applied to an i. Tunes account or its last activity. In short, if you don’t redeem your content code, it will expire in two years.