Where do itunes music files get stored?

Answer: You can find where your i. Tunes songs are stored on your hard drive by first going to your Users folder (inside your hard drive folder). Double-click on your user folder and then again on the Music folder. Inside the Music folder there should be a folder named i, and tunes. Double-click on the i. Tunes folder and then again on.

A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “Where iTunes files are stored on PC?”.

Change where i. Tunes files are stored on PC. By default, the music, TV shows, movies, podcasts, and other files that appear in your i. Tunes library are stored within your user folder in a subfolder: Music\i, tunes\i, and tunes media.

By default, your songs and movies will be downloaded in the media folder location. It doesn’t matter if you have manually set it or not, i. Tunes will save your files in the media file folder by default. However, if you want to change that location and want to set up a new location for all of your media files and songs, here is how you can do it.

Where is my music stored on my Mac?

By default, your music is stored here: You can change where your music files are stored. Important: For best results, don’t change the location of the Music folder or the folders inside it. In the Music app on your Mac, choose Music > Preferences, then click Files.

The location depends on your operating system. Click the Start button 2. Then go to i, and tunes 5., i Tunes Media then Music Folder.

How to locate a specific file or media folder in iTunes?

Everything you see on i. Tunes including your songs and other media files can be located on your computer. All you need is to find the media folder locations which you can do easily from i, and tunes. Here is how to locate a specific file or media folder of i, and tunes. Step 1: Choose the item and click on Edit>Get Info from the top menu.

How do I find the location of a song in iTunes?

Tip: You can temporarily reverse this setting by holding down the Option key while you drag files to the Music window. In the Music app on your Mac, click Songs in the sidebar on the left. Find out where a file is stored: Select the item, then choose Song > Info. The path to the file is shown at the bottom of the File pane (next to location).