, where i Tunes backups are stored on your computer. The folder where your backup data are stored varies depending on the computer’s operating system. Make sure the backup folder is included in your periodic data-backup routine., i Tunes places the backup files in the following places: Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Mobile, and sync/backup/.
, i Tunes backups are stored in different locations primarily based on the operating system. On Windows 10 you can find your i. Tunes backup files in the Mobile, and sync folder. Now, how to get to the mobile sync folder. Here’s the path You can also find the backups using the Windows Start Menu’s Search box. Here are the steps:.
You might be asking “How do I change the location of my iTunes backup?”
Replace new-backup-path to the specific location that you choose to store i, and tunes backups. For example, you want to change the i. Tunes backup location the path /Volumes/External/i, and tunes backup.
How to create a backup folder for iTunes?
Step 1: In the directory, you want to store i. Tunes backup, create a new folder and named it as something like “New Backups”. Step 2: Go to the default i. Tunes backup location and rename the default i. Tunes backup folder to something like “Backup. old”.
Where are iOS backups stored on my Mac or PC?
, locate i OS backups stored on your Mac or PC. To avoid ruining any of your backup files, here’s what you should know: i. Tunes saves backups to a Backup folder in your Users folder. The location of the Backup folder varies by operating system.
Where is the iPhone backup location on Mac?
There are 2 ways that you can easily find the i. Tunes backup location., on mac OS Mojave 10.14 or earlier, open i, and tunes. Right-click an i. Phone backup and select Show in Finder.
How to manage iTunes backup on iPhone?
If using the latest Catalina, then head over to the connected i. Phone under the Locations section in the Finder window. Here click on “Manage Backups”, Device backups window will pop up. Right-click on the backup file and press “Show in Finder”. Part 2: How to change the i. Tunes backup location?
Update May 18, 2018: There is now a version of i. Tunes available in the Microsoft Store as well as from the Apple website. If you installed i. Tunes from the Microsoft Store for Windows 10, then your backups are stored in a slightly different location.