You can join two or more tracks into a single track. Select one or more tracks (Selecting Multiple Items). Select a track. Select an option: Select to move the track down in the list. Select to move the track up in the list. Select to reverse the direction of the track.
You should be asking “How do I create routes in Garmin BaseCamp?”
We learned as Garmin continues to update the Base. Camp software, the way routes are created is being improved. There are actually three different ways to create a route for your trip. The Trip Planner tool is the first way.
A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “How do I combine multiple routes in Basecamp?”.
Multiple routes that have been created in Base. Camp can be combined into one route. Select an operating system for steps 1. Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click the routes to highlight them 2. Right-click on the selected routes and click Join the Selected Routes 3. Click OK The routes will now be combined into a single route.
These tracks and waypoints can be transfered from your GPS into Base. Camp where you can review them, rename them, share with others and store on your computer for future route planning. Managing your tracks and waypoints should be done on your computer using Garmin Base. Camp and not on your actual GPS.
What does garmin basecamp do?
With the Garmin Base. Camp program, users can plan and manage trips, organize user data, and transfer information between the computer and compatible devices.
What can I do with Basecamp?
, use base Camp software to plan your next hiking, biking, motorcycling, driving or off-roading trip. You can view maps, plan routes, and mark waypoints and tracks from your computer — then transfer them to your device.
How do I change the direction of a track?
Select a track. Select to move the track down in the list. Select to move the track up in the list. Select to reverse the direction of the track. Select to remove the track from the list. Select OK. A new track is created by joining the tracks.
Another common inquiry is “How do I drag items on the map?”.
One thought is that drag an item to the Drag start point here box. Drag an item to the Drag destination here box. The route appears as a colored line on the map.
How to create a simple route between two points?
You can create a simple route between two points. Select a location for the saved route ( Selecting a Location for Saved Data Files). If necessary, select a map product.
You can create a route by selecting points on the map or by drawing the route on the map. If necessary, select a map product. If necessary, change the activity profile. Select a location for the saved route ( Selecting a Location for Saved Data Files).
You can create a route using saved waypoints. If necessary, select a map product. If necessary, change the activity profile. Select multiple waypoints to use in the route ( Selecting Multiple Items). The route appears as a colored line on the map.