Even if you’re blocked on i. Message, the message will appear to be sent as usual; this is why it’s so difficult to figure out if you’re blocked or not. Apple uses a blue text bubble to signify i. Message and a green bubble for SMS ., when i Messages can’t go through, and the send as SMS setting is enabled, the i. Phone re-sends the message via cellular.
If the i. Message never shows a “ Delivered ” or “Read” message, and it’s still blue, then you may have been blocked – but not always. If the i. Message goes through and shows a “ Delivered ” message, then you have probably not been blocked. Can you see if a blocked number has tried to contact you ?
There are some tips you can try to use if you have a Mac, and book. Send an i. Message on neither i. Phone or Mac. Book, and then check the status., on i Phone, it always shows a Delivered under the message, while it shows nothing if you have been blocked.
How to check the sending status of iMessage?
Follow the steps to check the sending status of i, and message. Launch the i. Message app and start typing a text message to the one you doubt. Tap on send; if you are blocked, then you will never see “Delivered” message otherwise delivered status is set underneath every message bubble.
Do imessages deliver if blocked?
If you send a message to someone that has blocked you, your message will be sent as an i. Message (blue bubble) with no notifications – you won’t know if it was delivered or not. However, if you’ve enabled the “Send as Text Message” feature, your message will be sent as an SMS using your cellular plan (kind of a fallback because your message didn’t go through).
Can you still send iMessage if blocked?
1 Go to “Settings” and search for message settings. 2 On the message settings, select one that says, “Send and Receive.” 3 Now, on the option saying, “You can reach i. Message,” select “Add another email address.” 4 verify the email and i. Message the one blocking you from i, and message.
How do you know if someone has blocked you on iPhone?
, generally, i Phone users turn on the Send Read Receipts for messages in Settings, and actually the default setting of the option is ON. If you send an i. Message to friend’s i. Phone, and it stays blue saying Delivered but never turns to Read, then probably you’ve been blocked.
The next thing we asked ourselves was why am I getting texts from a blocked number on iPhone?
This is because the blocked number has used the “Send as Text Message” feature on their i, and phone. To do that, you long press on the message bubble and tap “Send as Text Message” from the pop-up menu.
This begs the inquiry “What happens to a blocked text message on an iPhone?”
Specifically look at the section labeled “Have I been I been blocked by an i. Phone : What happens to a blocked text message?” Do Not Disturb will not turn them to green as they are delivered but no sound or notification goes through while Do Not Disturb is on.
Does iMessage say sent as text message?
Yes, you could be blocked if: i. Message goes blue but turns green after some time.
, i Messages normally appear in blue text bubbles (messages between Apple devices). If you’ve enabled “Send as SMS” on your i. Phone, when i. Message is not available your messages will be sent as SMS. Keep in mind Carrier messaging rates may apply. If you know someone has an i. Phone and suddenly text messages between you and that person are green.