Where linux kernel is located?

Since the Linux kernel is a piece of code, it must be stored somewhere on the file-system, such that every time the system reboots, the kernel is loaded in the memory. In Debian/Ubuntu systems, the Linux kernel can be found within the /boot directory. In order to access the Linux kernel, we must know the current Linux kernel version.

The kernel source code installed by the linux-source package is installed in the form of a compressed archive in the /usr/src directory. For example, if you are running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the kernel source archive will be at /usr/src/linux-source-3.13.0.tar., and bz2.

While reading we ran into the inquiry “Where are Linux kernel drivers stored in Linux?”.

Some have found that The /lib/modules/kernel-version/ directory stores all compiled drivers under Linux operating system. You can use the modprobe command to intelligently add or remove a module from the Linux kernel.

There no universal standard, but the kernel is usually found in the /boot directory. You can use uname -r to find out the version you’re running and then look for a file in /boot with that name.

What is a page in Linux kernel?

A page is a basic unit of memory, which typically has a size of 4096 bytes. Most of the kernel tasks happen through system calls. For instance, let us perform a system call for retrieving page size in the memory. In the above example getpagesize () is predefined system call.

A question we ran across in our research was “How does the Linux kernel manage memory?”.

The Linux Kernel is a Memory Manager The Linux kernel manages memory. The allocation and freeing of physical memory is part of the Kernel’s basic job. There is a three-level page table for storing the mapping of addresses. A page is a basic unit of memory, which typically has a size of 4096 bytes.

How to add or remove a module from the Linux kernel?

You can use the modprobe command to intelligently add or remove a module from the Linux kernel. The modprobe command looks in the module directory /lib/modules/$ (uname -r) for all the modules and other files, except for the optional /etc/modprobe. Conf configuration file and /etc/modprobe., and d directory.

Where is the bootloader located in the BIOS?

The BIOS will usually look for bootloaders in the Master Boot Record of hard drives, a small area in the beginning of the drive where you can put some code to be run. You can also have a bootloader installed at the beginning of a partition.

The rest probably gets installed to the same partition as / or /boot/ of the Ubuntu system you’re installing (and that rest is accessible from Ubuntu, look for directories /boot/grub/ or /grub/ ). Grub2 is the standard boot loader for Ubuntu. As always we prefer to have highly configurable applications.

Also, how does a bootloader work in Linux?

To keep things simple, you usually have a disk drive where your computer boots from, you install a GNU/Linux system in that disk and the bootloader gets there too. That it is able to find and boot your Operating System (with Linux, you just need the bootloader to have somehow access to the kernel and, if you’re using one, the initrd image.).

You can also have a bootloader installed at the beginning of a partition. Bootloaders are usually small enough to fit in these small areas, and even if they don’t, they must put something there so the BIOS boots the bootloader.