What is a logic probe?

Logic probe is useful tool to measure, in a check digital circuits. As a meter, which is used to measure power in electrical circuits. Logic probe was used for detection logic “1” and “0” or pulse in a digital circuit.

A logic probe is a low cost test equipment which can diagnose almost ninety present of the faults without the requirement of any tool. It is a hand held equipment that is very easy to operate and of course very effective. It is used to find the logic state of any node of the circuit with the help of pulses and the steady states.

A common question we ran across in our research was “What does a logic probe do?”.

Some think that a logic probe is a low-cost hand-held test probe used for analyzing and troubleshooting the logical states ( boolean 0 or 1) of a digital circuit. When many signals need to be observed or recorded simultaneously, a logic analyzer is used instead. While most logic probes are powered by the circuit under test, some devices use batteries.

What is a logic probe tester?

The logic probe or digital tester is normally a low cost handheld probe contained within a pen-like tube with indicator lights to show the state of the line being probed. Simple logic probe tester Typically logic probes are used to test digital circuits like those using TTL or CMOS logic.

The logic probe is normally powered by the circuit under test – there are normally leads with crocodile / alligator clips that can be attached to the ground and supply of the circuit under test.

Probe: The probe, as shown on the diagram is a metal point used for probing the circuit. When using this, be careful that the probe cannot slip and cause a short circuit which could damage the circuit under test. The first requirement before using the logic probe is to connect the power connections to the circuit.

What do the LED lights on a logic probe mean?

It has a red LED for high state, green LED for low state, amber LED for pulsing state, and a changing audible tone. A logic probe is a low-cost hand-held test probe used for analyzing and troubleshooting the logical states ( boolean 0 or 1) of a digital circuit.

What does the color of the logic probe indicate?

The logic probe will indicate this typically with an LED which is often coloured red. Logic low: The logic probe also is able to indicate a logic or digital low. A common indication is with the use of a green coloured LED. Digital pulses: The logic probe may incorporate some form of pulse detection circuitry.

Use the probe to connect to the required monitoring points. At this point the LEDs will light accordingly and a buzzer if included may sound. Setting a MEM switch to MEM will enable the logic probe to capture any short pulses. There may be a separate LED to indicate this.

Can logic probe circuits be used in TTL or CMOS?

They can be used both TTL and CMOS system. I collect a many types of logic probe circuits. You can build easily them. There are 6 circuits, as follows. (see below!) If you want a logic probe circuit that easy and save money.

What are LogLogic probes?

Logic probes can provide a simple way of testing slow moving digital logic levels and signals.