Mark Shuttleworth has announced that Ubuntu 18.04 will be supported for ten years. Long Term Support releases of Ubuntu usually enjoy just five years of support, so this doubling is highly significant.
Those letters stand for Long Term Support, and up until recently that meant Canonical would offer five years of official support. But now Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth says the company will support Ubuntu 18.04 for twice as long.
The long-term support (LTS) releases of Ubuntu used to get support for five years. This is changing now. Ubuntu 18.04 will now be supported for ten years. Other LTS releases might also get an extended support.
The next thing we wondered was will Ubuntu 18 04 be supported until 2028?
Some believe that ubuntu 18.04 was released in April of this year, and the new announcement means that it will be supported until 2028. It is a significant and important change for developers working in various fields including hardware, Io. T and the cloud, but it is not known whether a similar support cycle will be adopted for future LTS releases.
So, is Ubuntu 18 04 LTS still supported?
Dubbed Bionic Beaver, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS was released in April 2018 and it is supported by Canonical with software and security updates for at least five years. But while Ubuntu itself receives this long-time support (LTS) of five years, the rest of the Ubuntu flavors only receive three years of support, which ended in May 2021.
The last maintenance update for the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) series was Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS, released in August 2020. From this moment on, there will be no further point releases published for the Bionic Beaver series, but Ubuntu itself will still receive regular updates that you can install via the software repositories.
How long will ubuntu 20.04 be supported?
Ubuntu 20.04 is a LTS (long term support) release. It will be supported for five years. This means if you use 20.04, you can use it till April, 2025 without needing to upgrade your computer to a new Ubuntu release .
What is the release date of Ubuntu 20 04 LTS?
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is releasing on 23rd April 2020. All the participating flavors like Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Budgie, MATE etc will have their 20.04 release available on the same day. What are the system requirements for Ubuntu 20.04?
Some articles claimed hey guys, let’s keep talking here, maybe they need more people interested and talking about official support for 20.04 to do it. We will have more information coming in the near future, but our current working plan is to phase out support in the Editor (not the player) for Ubuntu 16.04 and add support for Ubuntu 20.04.
One of the biggest advantages of Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS is the stability that it brings. This comes from up to ten years of security provided under the UA-I subscription. Being an LTS release, Ubuntu Server 20.04 comes with five years of support by default. However, the ESM service extends security updates for an additional five years.
When is ubuntu 18.04 eol?
Accordingly, Ubuntu 18.04 has a couple of more years of community support, as its EOL is scheduled for April 2023. Below you will find three ways to deal with Ubuntu 16.04’s end of life.
Here is what I ran into. Ubuntu 16.04 End of Life (EOL) is scheduled for April 30, 2021. Make sure to prepare in advance by upgrading or migrating servers running on Ubuntu 16.04 systems.
When I was reading we ran into the query “What does EOL mean in Ubuntu?”.
End of Life Dates ‘End of life (Eo. L)’ is when a software reaches the end of its designated support period. When this happens varies across Ubuntu, Ubuntu flavours [ 1] and different releases, so we are gathering this information here to have a central reference for volunteer support efforts.
How often does Ubuntu get security updates?
Ubuntu is published by Canonical on all major public clouds, and the latest image for each LTS version will always include security updates rolled up to at most two weeks ago.