Why is my mailchimp campaign not sending?

Typically, when subscribers don’t see your email campaign in their inboxes, it’s because of spam filters. If your recipients have looked in their spam or junk folders and still don’t see your campaign, there are a few other things to investigate.

Log in to your Mailchimp account, edit the draft campaign Mail. Optin created, and navigate to the final Confirm step. You’ll see a checklist where most of the items passed, but there will also be an item that explains why the campaign failed.

Another common inquiry is “Why are my emails not being sent from Mailchimp?”.

The recipient’s email address no longer exists. Recipient’s account is over-quota, or temporarily unavailable. Mailchimp isn’t allowlisted (other providers may refer to as “whitelisted”) on the email server, so emails are blocked. Email firewalls blocked your emails.

When you create a regular email campaign with our Campaign Builder, you can select a date and time for delivery to your audience. Email scheduling is included in paid monthly plans. In this article, you’ll learn how to schedule or pause a regular email campaign in Mailchimp. Seasonal time changes can be a bit tricky for campaign scheduling.

We use our default authentication to help ensure the delivery of your email campaigns. To further improve deliverability, it’s a good idea to use a private domain as your From email address and set up your own custom authentication on top of Mailchimp’s.

While it won’t change what your subscribers see, you can rename sent campaigns in your Mailchimp account. Have a question? Paid users can log in to access email and chat support.

Why won’t my campaign send?

The mistake most often made is the AND condition is used (as opposed to the OR condition) which makes the campaign not send; you haven’t made this mistake so your messages should be sending. Have you contacted Mailchimp to get their input?

Campaigns end up in spam folders for several reasons, including the sending email address, subject line, or message content. Even legitimate and innocent campaigns can get trapped in spam filters based on small issues you may not have considered, like your sending name or email address, and information shared from other spam filters.

Can you add text to a text content block in Mailchimp?

You add text to a text content block in Mailchimp and the preview looks great. You send out the email campaign and the text looks unprofessional and formatted in all sorts of odd ways.