How many blogs can I create in blogger?

Number of Blogs: You can create or have not more than 100 blogs per account which is more than enough for a single account. Profile info length (about me): Your profile about me information is limited to 1200 characters.

Also, how many pages can I create for my blog?

Number of pages: You can create 20 static pages and not more than that. Post size limit: There is no specific size limit for your individual blog post. But there are chances to exceed your page size limit if your blog posts are large. Page size limit: Each separate page (your main blog page & archives page) cannot have more than 1 Mb in size.

How to create a blog on Blogger?

Creating a blogger account is very simple. To do this you just have to enter Blogger. Com and click the “Create your Blog” button. Second, it will ask you to log in with an existing Google account or with a new account. Either way, you just have to start or create the account to access. Once you are inside, you will need to confirm your profile.

How much can I make as a blogger?

You can realistically make $25,000-$50,000 your first year blogging, $100,000+ your second year, $250,000+ your third year of blogging, and $500,000+ in your fourth year. Seriously, if you keep at it and keep building, your traffic and revenue will continue to grow.

That being said, bloggers can make from $100 to $25,000 per sponsored post. $25,000 is the highest amount of any blogger I have personally known. For those of you who are Instagram influencers, you can make from $50 to $50,000 per post. Kim Kardashian has even made over $400,000 for a single Instagram post.

This of course begs the query “How much money do bloggers make?”

One thought is that Earning a full income as a blogger is more realistic than you might think. Finance blog Millennial Money reports that after just 2 years of building traffic and subscribers, bloggers can make upwards of $100,000 annually. Even within just the first year, bloggers can easily make an extra $500-$2,000 per month.

Com is another blog that is making a healthy six figures a year. In his most recent income report, he shared that he was making a little over $36,000 a month. You can see a sample of where he makes his money from his blog below: You can see that he makes a significant portion of his income as a web hosting affiliate.

What are the limitations of a Blogger account?

As a Blogger you should know all the limitations for Blogger account. Number of Blogs: You can create or have not more than 100 blogs per account which is more than enough for a single account. Profile info length (about me): Your profile about me information is limited to 1200 characters.

How much money can you make blogging about coffee?

Smart Passive Income – Pat Flynn is currently making well over $100,000 per month. Little Coffee Place – Even makes $10,000 per month blogging about coffee! Just teaching their readers things like what the best decaf coffee beans are or what low acid coffee is. The opportunities are really endless!

Can you really make money blogging?

And the insanely cool part about blogging is you can make great money in almost any niche. Hell, the guy from Learning Herbs teaches you how to use and consume the weeds and in your yard and makes over 20k per month.