How many users can join a webex meeting?

If all users in the space have free Webex accounts, only up to 25 participants can join the meeting. If the creator of the space has a paid Webex Calling or Webex account, up to 100 participants can join the meeting.

Video device capacity counts towards the in-meeting participant cap. For example, if your Webex Meetings site is configured to allow 1,000 participants and 200 video devices to join, 800 participants will be able to join via PC/Mobile/Teleconference.

Each additional license will allow you to host a new concurrent meeting, so if you need to have five meetings running simultaneously, you would need four additional host licenses. To ask about additional licenses for your account, contact the Cisco Webex Sales team.

When multiple people share a single Web. Ex host account, Web. Ex views them as a single person. There is no API method to hide one individuals meetings from another when they share an account., lstsummary Session does support anonymous request, which will only return public sessions for all hosts.

How do I add more participants to a WebEx event?

So, if the host or cohost syncs their stage and adds participants to it, you can only add more participants if one or more of the slots on the stage is available. To learn more about stage view, see Video layouts in Webex Meetings, Webex Webinars and Webex Events (classic). To move someone to the stage, drag their video thumbnail to it.

In Webex versions 41.3 and earlier sites, only the first 1000 Event participants can receive participant video. (Example: when turning on a webcam (or a video device) as a panelist, only the first 1000 participants can view it.).

How do I join a WebEx Meeting?

1 Webex Meetings Desktop App and click on the green Start a Meeting button 2 You can also choose from your calendar list if you scheduled a Personal Room Meeting 3 If joining someone else’s Personal Room, you will see recent personal rooms appear once you click in the Enter meeting information box labeled with their initials.

You’ll be able to use video, chat with other participants, and share content. Tap Join meeting in your email invitation when it’s time to join the meeting. Tap Download to install the Cisco Webex Meetings app and join the video conference. To join the meeting by phone only, tap the number on your screen.

When I was writing we ran into the query “What is the default view of a WebEx Meeting?”.

This is the Web. Ex default view for meeting with three or more people. The speaker is shown in the large center screen and multiple participants (usually 5 – 6) will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

What is a personal meeting room in Webex?

What is the difference between my personal meeting room and a schedule meeting room? Your Webex Personal Room is your own virtual conference space that you can use for meetings anytime. Your personal room number can be found by going to Meeting in the menu bar then Information once you launch the personal room.

This begs the query “What is a webex personal room?”

Personal Room Meeting Your Webex Personal Room is your own virtual conference space that you can use for meetings anytime. Your Personal Room is always in the same place; the URL, video address, and call-in numbers never change.

What is WebEx used for?

Webex is a set of tools designed for personal and corporate collaboration. It’s used to connect to others, typically through the internet, and allows you to communicate with audio, video, text chat, file sharing, whiteboard and other features. To hold and attend online meetings, collaborate on team projects, and share documents.

How long does it take to install WebEx?

The first time you attend a meeting, Webex will automatically install on your computer and takes only a few moments. Your local IT or Central IT staff have also been pushing out the needed software to your work machines.