Microsoft forms how to delete a form?

Go to Microsoft Forms, sign in with your Microsoft 365 work or school account or Microsoft personal account (Hotmail, Live, or Outlook. com). Scroll down to the bottom of your page and select All My Forms. On the All forms tab, find the form you want to delete. Select More options in the upper right corner of its tile, and then choose Delete.

Scroll down to the bottom of your page and select All My Forms. On the All forms tab, find the form you want to delete. Select More options in the upper right corner of its tile, and then choose Delete.

Another common query is “How do I delete or recover a form?”.

One source claimed that you can easily delete a form, recover a deleted form, or permanently delete a form. Go to Microsoft Forms, sign in with your Microsoft 365 work or school account or Microsoft personal account (Hotmail, Live, or Outlook. com).

You should be wondering “What happens when I delete a form?”

Note: If you delete a form from the Deleted forms tab, the form and all of its responses are permanently deleted. You won’t be able to bulk delete forms.

How do I delete a form response?

@HUnderhill go to View Responses, select the response you want to delete, click the 3 dots over on the right and select Delete response. That will permanently delete the response and also delete it from the underlying spreadsheet.

If you would like to edit or delete responses 1-300, you can easily do so by 1. Going to your Form., and “responses” tab. Choose the response you’d like to change from the drop-down. Click the 3 dots (.. .) on the bottom right of the greyed response area. “Delete Response” If you’d like to edit responses 300+, you’re screwed.

How to delete responses in microsoft forms?

If so, if you just want to delete the responses in Microsoft form daily, you can go to Microsoft Forms > click Reponses > click Ellipsis > Delete All responses, as shown below: Note: if you delete those responses, you may not recover them. If the scenario above is not consistent with yours, you can also post back and provide more details about it.

How do I delete a response from my account?

The first response will be shown. Type the ID number you want to delete then click the tab key on your keyboard to load that response. Over on the right of the response click the 3 dots and select Delete response. You will see a confirmation screen warning you that the response will be permanently deleted.

Can I delete all quizzes responses on Microsoft forms?

I did a test on both Quizzes and Forms on Microsoft Forms on my side. You can notice that currently it only allows users to delete all responses. And after clicking on Delete all responses, we could see that the “Open in Excel” button grayed out and cannot be clicked.

While we were reading we ran into the inquiry “How do I delete test responses from a spreadsheet?”.

@HUnderhill if you go to the Responses screen and click the 3 dots down to the bottom right of the Status field you can delete all your test responses there which also deletes them from the underlying spreadsheet.

Is it possible to delete all responses at once in flow?

07-02-2018 02:19 AM It would be great to have an action that when triggered deletes a response or possibly all responses. Due to GDPR having data saved both in Forms and in Share. Point (if the form data is copied into Share. Point) is not ideal and there is currently no way to automate the deletion of the responses from within Flow.