Can microsoft forms populate a word template?

It seems you want to populate word template with the date of Forms. You can use the ‘Populate a Microsoft Word template’ action here. However there is no action to rename the file name. You need use the ‘Create file’ with the name you want here.

The action “Populate a Microsoft Word template” is a PREMIUM action and there is no any other action in microsoft could populate word template. And yes, if you upgrade your licience to include this, all users in your organisation need to be upgraded, if you use it in a power app, all users have to have a premium Powerapp licience.

Is it possible to populate word template from forms and gene flow?

Flow to populate word template from forms and gene – Power Platform Community 04-30-2019 05:44 AM Currently we have an interactive word template form, where we fill in each field and print off for sign off. However, I understand we can do this on MS Forms in Sharepoint . User fills in a form, created on MS Office 365 Forms.

Another thing we wondered was how to generate a PDF from a word template?

To generate a PDF from the Word Template, you can simply save your document into your desired location to generate the populated word document and then use the Convert File action while Selecting PDF and use the outputs in the Create File (One. Drive)/Create Item (Share. Point). Here’s an example if we were to use the Convert file action:.

Can microsoft forms auto populate?

Re: Microsoft forms auto-fill suggestion. @brianrcaskey no unfortunately there’s no way to auto-complete a name or autopopulate data in Forms. A uservoice request for the autocomplete is at https://microsoftforms., and uservoice., and com/forums/386451-welcome-to-microsoft-forms-suggestion-box/suggest.

Go to Solution. 10-01-2020 04:11 AM Only if you use a UI Flow that simulates a real user filling-in the values: There’s no way to create a new reply daily.

Where does the data for the template come from?

The data for the template comes from the prior steps. That can be from a “Get Item” action like in my example or from Forms like in yours. That is where you need to create the content controls in the word template and you use the dynamic content from prior steps to populate those controls.

Can I auto populate a dropdown list from an Excel file?

I want to auto populate a dropdown list answers from an existing excel file. Is there any way to achieve this? Jan 07 2020 04:25 PM Jan 07 2020 04:25 PM Re: Can I auto populate a dropdown list from an excel file? Unfortunately that’s not a feature of Forms at this time. It will have to be manually populated and changed.

There’s no reason why a regular form can’t have an auto-updating spreadsheet. There’s no reason why a Quiz can’t have one either. There’s no reason why I should need to use teams in order to use forms. I wrote this down both for my own reference and to help out anyone else who has the same problem.

How to make an Excel File that Auto Updates with Results from A Brand New Form Open Microsoft Teams (in the app or the browser) Go to a team you want to collaborate with for the form Add a new tab.