How much does eventbrite cost?

Eventbrite pricing is 3.5% + $1.59 per paid ticket (with no limit or maximum fee) plus 2.5% merchant processing for the Eventbrite Professional package. Eventbrite fees are non-refundable even when you cancel and refund a ticket.

One of the next things we wanted the answer to was, how much does it cost to use eventbrite?

Eventbrite is free to use for free events! For simpler ticketing and lower fees, try calculating your payout using the Essentials package. You can avoid fees by passing them to attendees. You can avoid fees by passing them to attendees.

Based on your current location, Essentials pricing is 2% + $0.79 per paid ticket and Professional pricing is 3.5% + $1.59 per paid ticket. Both packages are always free for free tickets. Click here to see packages and pricing for every supported currency. What if I don’t want to list my event on Eventbrite and partner sites?

When I was reading we ran into the query “How much does Eventbrite charge per ticket?”.

– Eventbrite’s pricing is 2% of the ticket price and $0.79 per paid ticket plus 2.5% payment processing per transaction for our essentials package. – Eventbrite’s pricing is 3.5% of the ticket price and $1.59 per paid ticket plus a 2.5% payment processing fee per transaction for our professional package.

In this simple example you can save $279 dollars or 53% of all your fees by using Event Smart instead of Eventbrite. And the more you sell and the higher the price of tickets the more you can save with Event Smart.

Is Eventbrite good for organizing an event?

Overall: It’s good for anybody that’s organizing an event obviously, the nice thing about Eventbrite is that it’s free to use long as you’re not charging for the event. There is a fee if you are charging for the event so the fees are 2.5% plus 99 cents transaction fee.

One more inquiry we ran across in our research was “Does Eventbrite have a free option?”.

Both our Essentials and Professional products are free for free tickets — we only charge you each time you sell a paid ticket. Organizers with only free events have access to everything in Essentials, and everything in Professional except for phone, chat, or email support.

How much money can you make selling online classes on Eventbrite?

If your class were full during both of the offered sessions, you’d make $5000 in total. After Eventbrite’s 2% total sales, and $0.79 per ticket in ticket commissions, you would only take home $4495 – paying $140 in Eventbrite fees for their most basic package*.