Can you have multiple one drives on one pc?

While it is possible to have multiple One. Drive accounts, it is impossible to have them all on your PC, according to Microsoft. However, you can have and manage them all simultaneously on one PC by taking advantage of One, and drive capabilities.

Can I have multiple one drives on my computer?

Though many users have such a need, Microsoft have no plans to support multiple personal One. Drive accounts on same computer. Luckily, there is a new workaround for managing not only several personal One. Drive accounts but also One. Drive for Business accounts in Windows 10 without the need to unlink or link several times.

You can keep using the primary account on your computer just as before, without any change. You can also use two multiple One. Drive accounts on the same computer but one of those accounts needs to be a business account as Microsoft doesn’t all using two personal One. Drive accounts on the same computer.

Can I have two OneDrive accounts on one computer?

You can set up two or more accounts on one computer within the app’s settings menu, but only one can be a personal One, and drive account. To add multiple personal One. Drive accounts, you’ll need to use a cloud-to-cloud management service.

One way to consider this is use two One. Drive accounts on one computer [EASIEST METHOD] Microsoft’s One. Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services out there, with millions of users worldwide., however, one Drive has its downsides, which makes a lot of people complain about Microsoft’s policies for its service.

You will need to have two accounts on the same computer to manage your files properly. Another reason is the fact that you may need one account for business use and the other for personal use. Many professionals prefer to run separate accounts for better file management.

Some have found that this also applies to users who want to have more One. Drive space, since Microsoft recently cut it down to 5GB per account. Despite the high amount of requests, the One. Drive folder is still not capable of managing multiple accounts, and according to Microsoft, it probably never will be.

When I was reading we ran into the question “How to manage multiple OneDrive accounts with multcloud?”.

Register one Mult, and cloud account.

How do I find multiple OneDrive folders?

In the navigation pane of your PC’s File Explorer, you would also notice that there are now two One, and drive folders. Interestingly, Windows labels both folders neatly so you can easily identify them. The personal One. Drive folder is labeled Personal while the second (business) account is labeled using.

Click “Cloud Sync” feature, select first One. Drive as the source, select your second One. Drive account as the destination location, click “Sync Now” and wait for the process to complete. If you just want to sync some folders from your first account to the second account, when selecting the source, please select these folders only.