The Options Bar The Options Bar is the horizontal bar that runs underneath the Menu Bar in Photoshop. You can turn it on and off through the Windows menu, so if you don’t see it on your screen, you definitely want to turn it on with Window > Options.
Where is the tool options bar in Photoshop?
Every tool in Photoshop Elements has options that you can change. The options are explained in the tutorials as you encounter a tool. In Photoshop Elements 10 and earlier versions, the options are located in the options bar. In versions 11 and later, the options are located in Tool Options.
Where can I find the options in Photoshop Elements?
In Photoshop Elements 10 and earlier versions, the options are located in the options bar. In versions 11 and later, the options are located in Tool Options. In Photoshop Elements 10 and earlier versions, the options bar is located above the work area.
A frequent inquiry we ran across in our research was “What is the toolbar in Photoshop?”.
In this tutorial, we’ll learn more about the tools and the Toolbar in Photoshop. The Toolbar (also known as the Toolbox or the Tools panel ) is where Photoshop holds the many tools we have to work with. There are tools for making selections, for cropping an image, for editing and retouching, and many more.
One idea is that there are so many tools, in fact, that not all of them can be displayed in the Toolbar at once. Many of Photoshop’s tools are hidden behind other tools. For example, Photoshop includes four basic, geometric selection tools—the Rectangular Marquee Tool, the Elliptical Marquee Tool, the Single Row Marquee Tool, and the Single Column Marquee Tool.
One answer was, and edit menu. Switch back to the Essentials workspace or reset the Essentials workspace. In the Customize Toolbar dialog box if you see your missing tool in the Extra Tools list, drag and drop it to the Toolbar list.
One answer is, most of the default tools in the Toolbar have other tools hiding behind them, nested into the same spot. To view the other tools, either click and hold, or right-click (Win) / Control-click (Mac), on the default tool’s icon. A fly-out menu will appear listing the other tools hiding behind it. Click on the name of a tool to select it.
How do I use the options bar?
The job of the Options Bar is to set the options of the tool you are about to use. For example, if I want to make a rectangular marquee selection, I would pick the Rectangular Marquee tool and then pick my options ( feather, anti-alias, fixed aspect ratio ) before I use the tool.
The next thing we wondered was; how do I reset the options bar in the toolbar?
To reset the Options Bar: Pick any tool from the Toolbox (I have the Move tool selected in my example): Right-click (Mac: Control+click) the picture of the tool at the far left of the Options Bar to access the reset tool menu:.
How do I make a selection in Photoshop?
One of the easiest ways to make a selection. You simply paint an area of an image, and the tool automatically finds the edges. You can add or subtract areas of the selection until you have exactly the area you want. When Auto Enhance is selected, the Quick Selection tool creates better quality selections, with edges that are truer to the object.
Then, without releasing the mouse button, press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you continue dragging the selection to the outer edge of the object. The selection is centered over its starting point.
What is the purpose of a layer in Photoshop?
Layers can be used to isolate various parts of an image so that they can be edited as discrete objects with the painting or editing tools or other effects. What is a clipping mask, and how do you make one from type?