What do outlook icons mean?

In Outlook’s preview pane, in an opened message, or when composing messages you may see little balls near the sender or recipients name. These indicate if the sender is online with Skype or Skype for Business. Green is online, an empty white circle indicates offline or presence unknown.

Moreover, where are the icons in Outlook 2013 and above?

On this page we have the icons you may see in your Inbox, Sent folder, or in the message header in Outlook 2013 and above. Outlook 2013 aims for a cleaner look and many default icons, such as read and unread envelopes are gone. In the case of Unread, the envelope was replaced by a blue bar to the left of the message.

Outlook very limited support for icons and doesn’t include the option to browse for icons . In older versions you can select from the predefined icons and use the icon editors to edit them or create your own. You can also paste images into the editor.

What do the icons mean on meeting request forms in outlook?

Click to open the date in Day view. Meeting request icon used on Meeting Request forms. Icons with the blue i symbol indicate there is more information, such as an update to the meeting request. This list contains the icons you’ll see in Outlook’s Task folder and To-Do List.

Why does my outlook have an x?

A: The red X on Outlook pretty much means the same thing, no matter what version of Outlook or Windows you are using. It means that Outlook is not connected to the mail server and is working in offline mode.

Red X in Outlook means you’re in the offline void. It means that Outlook is not connected to the mail server and is working in offline mode. To fix this problem, open Outlook and look in the bottom right corner of the application window to see if it shows Connected or Working Offline.

What is the X symbol used for in Excel?

X cross symbol ✗ in Word, Excel, Power. Point and Outlook. Type the diagonal cross Mark ✗, multiplication or ballot symbol into Microsoft Word, Excel, Power. Point or Outlook. Both in Office for Windows and Office for Mac. It’s the opposite of the tick or Checkmark.

What does it mean when outlook is not responding?

It means that Outlook is not connected to the mail server and is working in offline mode. To fix this problem, open Outlook and look in the bottom right corner of the application window to see if it shows Connected or Working Offline.

If you go into the Send/Receive tab at the top of the page there is a preferences tab on the right hand side which says Work Offline. If you click on this once it should resolve the ‘red cross’ issue and allow you to work Online. I hope this helps you. Hello, I am on Windows 8.1 and Outlook 2013.