Why are people using zoom instead of skype?

Zoom is a high quality piece of software that has a free plan and is easy to use, particularly when compared to Skype. It’s also why it produces a higher quality video than Skype because people who use Zoom, use it for a it’s excellent video features.

One of the most important features that gave enormous Zoom over Skype and other video conferencing apps was its ability to allow the host to split participants into different rooms. Similar to how colleagues in different departments sit separately for work at workplaces.

Another thing we wondered was: why is zoom so successful?

My answer was Skype users were disappointed, so, Zoom focused on the struggles of its user base and offered high-quality audio and video calls. Offices and other places of social interactions such as schools and universities have shifted at home.

One of the next things we asked ourselves was: how many companies use zoom for video calls?

An April 2020 survey of 1,110 US companies by Creative Strategies showed that 27 per cent of businesses primarily used Zoom for video calls and meetings, compared to 18 per cent that used Teams, and 15 per cent that used Skype.

Andrew Pagels, a partner at Investable LLC, uses Zoom to present slide decks, videos, and pitches, recommending it to teams that hold a lot of video calls. Overall, many Zoom users feel that the platform “has among the best performance of any video conference platform .”.

Is Zoom the biggest obstacle to overcome for Microsoft Teams?

For Zoom it’s been painted as a huge obstacle to overcome, but no one noticed the Teams issues unless you’re in the trenches in the back rooms. Why are people using Zoom? There is some obvious upside to Zoom over its competition from Microsoft’s Skype and Google Hangouts.

This means users may find more value in it considering Microsoft Teams comes with many other features, including Microsoft Office collaboration and access to productivity apps. Prices start at only $5, but that is per user. With Zoom, you only pay per host. You will need to consider your needs and do some math to see what’s more cost-efficient.