Why photography blogger?

The Reasons Why Blogging Is So Important For Photographers Photography is a service, and a personal one at that. Your clients are letting you into their lives, and trusting you with some pretty big moments. The more you can give them reason to feel comfortable with hiring you, the better.

Why should I start a photography blog?

People love seeing their own photos on their photographer’s blog, and will share the link with all their family and friends. Um….hello awesome word-of-mouth marketing!! Your clients might even ask you if they’ll make the blog, they’re so excited to be featured.

This of course begs the question “Is blogging worth it as a professional photographer?”

One frequent answer is, As a professional photographer, you’re essentially blogging to get new clients. That’s what will mean more money, and make the blog worth your precious time. So you have to make sure you have all the information on your blog that will convert readers into clients.

What are the Best Photography blogs on the Internet?

Photo Focus is a dedicated blog full of photography related articles. They set themselves apart from the crowd by having a popular ‘business’ section which contains info on how photographers can organise their business best. 121 Clicks offers longer-form reporting and analysis of works by renowned, and up and coming, artists.

So, who is the owner of the photography blog?

The blog is run by Anastasia Petukhova, a Russian photographer who is based in Los Angeles. She specialises in fine art, commercial and street photography. She is also part of the Sony Artisans of Imagery Program. On her blog, she shares insights about running a photography business and walks us through her creative process.

Why most bloggers use Google Blogger as a blogging platform?

The main reason most of the new bloggers are using Google Blogger as a blogging platform, It’s completely free. Which means you don’t want to spend any money for hosting or domain name.

Blogger a Free-to-use Platform: Blogger is an open source platform, it other words we can say it is free. Unlike others there is no need to purchase hosting because blogger sites are hosted at Google Servers. It can be used for any purpose either personal or industrial without any cost.

Big blog owners like to host on these separate platforms because they have more control, but those hosting platforms come at a cost. Starting out on Blogger and taking advantage of its free offerings helps you learn the ropes of blogging.

You should be thinking “Is blogger free to use?”

Blogger is an entirely free blogging service. It provides free blog hosting and a free Blogspot subdomain to get started. All Blogger’s themes, gadgets, and other options are free as well, though there are some third-party themes you can pay for.

How to create a blog on Blogger?

Blogger is a simple blogging platform where you can create a blog in just a few minutes. You simply need a Google account to get started. Go to Blogger website and then sign up with your Google account. After that, you can find a ‘Create New Blog’ option, where you need to click to start the process.

Are bloggers journalists?

One of the great questions of our time came closer to resolution last week, when a federal court ruled that bloggers are journalists—at least when it comes to their First Amendment rights. The Ninth Circuit ruled as such on Friday in Obsidian Finance Group v. Crystal Cox, a complicated case first decided in 2011.

A common question we ran across in our research was “Are bloggers considered media?”.

According to PR-Squared, bloggers are media, they just have a different agenda. Bloggers do not have a publisher to report to like journalists, and they tend to be more passionate about what they write about.

Are bloggers social media influencers?

SOCIAL. Between ourselves Melissa, a bottle or two of Penfold’s Grange would leave ME forever in debt – the bank’s debt. So, social creature that I am, how about a bottle or three – or a one gallon cask! – of Kaiserstuhl Red instead? I deem it to be a fact that bloggers are both social media influencers and journalists at the same time!

But, the plain and simple truth is blogs are social media, most of the time. This is the best place to start, but the definition is changing. Brian Clark over at Coppyblogger wrote an article on how blogs are social media, using a Wikipedia definition of social media to support his point.

James, yes, many blogs have become like magazines (including this one), but that’s also part of my point… we’re outside the traditional media structure and rely on the crowd to make or break us… not some out-of-touch executive.