Powerpoint closes when computer goes to sleep?

, if power Point closes unexpectedly when your computer goes into Sleep mode, close memory-hogging processes. Then, go to Power. Point settings, and enable Autosave. Additionally, enable Hybrid Sleep, and then update and repair your Office installation files.

Solution for your computer : Close any unnecessary tabs and windows to free up some of your RAM before your computer helpfully decides to close EVERYTHING for you. In particular, close any program that’s accessing the same media you’ve imported into Power. Point, such as a Photoshop window with an image you just put into your deck.

One of the most common reasons that cause Power. Point to crash is size of your Power, and point file. The last few updates of Power. Point have made the experience smoother, but not without a few bumps. The program is prone to freezing or not responding for several reasons.

Most importantly, knowing the reasons why this happens can help you fix the issue., power Point can freeze for various reasons including the large size of Power. Point file, multiple heavy programs running simultaneously, the computing capacity of your computer, or even third-party Microsoft Office add-ins causing a conflict.

Why is my PowerPoint presentation loading so slowly?

Save regularly guys! Reason : You probably have a mighty large file in your presentation. It might be a super-hi-res .tiff, or a high-def video. Whatever it is, moving it around Power. Point is taking up a lot of your RAM. Solution for your computer : Try to reduce the size of images where possible, or convert .tiffs into .jpegs.

How to fix Windows 10 closing applications while out of sleep?

Install Display Drivers Display drivers enable the communication between the OS, and the graphics architecture of 2. Tweak the Power and Sleep Settings of Your PC.

How do I Stop my laptop from turning off when closed?

Tweak the Power and Sleep Settings of Your PC Microsoft suggests that tweaking the display settings of your computer will help prevent your laptop from shutting down after the lid has been closed.

Does your laptop shut down instead of sleeping when you close it?

Some Windows 10 users are complaining that instead of sleeping, their laptops shut down every time they close the lid. This, they say, leads to the loss of unsaved work and sessions. One user even threatens to abandon Windows out of frustration entirely.