The real prize though is in Stock Images, where you can search and insert high quality professional stock imagery from places like Getty and i. Stock, and as long as you use them within the context of Microsoft Office (the feature is available in all Microsoft 365 applications), there is no cost to you.
Are powerpoint stock images copyrighted?
Some of the ppt stock images are from Getty. They are fiercely protective of copyright and sue for substantial sums if a correct licence/attribution isn’t in place.
The general advice is that you can use the stock images in your presentations and use the presentations in pretty much any way you like, including ways that produce revenue. You cannot, however, sell the images AS images.
In reply to captainboo42’s post on June 8, 2020 Stock Images is a new feature; the images are licensed by Microsoft from (as you’ve found) Getty, and possibly other sources, to be offered to PPT users in their presentations .
Clip art provided by Power. Point doesn’t need to be cited ; however, Power. Point also gives users the option to search for Bing content. Since Bing is a search engine, authors could end up using an image without considering the ownership and license of the image.
There are a few caveats here—mainly that you can’t extract Office’s stock images for use outside of Microsoft Office. So, while you can use them in presentations all you want, you can’t use them on your website or in a marketing brochure—unless you design the marketing brochure in Power. Point or Word, I suppose.
Until just recently, there were only two ways you could insert high quality stock imagery from within Power. Point: 1 ) Insert Online Pictures performs a Bing Image Search for you.
If the images are yours (e. g, you drew it or took the picture, and your image isn’t an adaptation of someone else’s work), you don’t need to cite them. If you’re using clip art from within Power. Point, double-check the source of the image.
What is Microsoft stock images?
Stock Images is a new feature ; the images are licensed by Microsoft from (as you’ve found) Getty, and possibly other sources, to be offered to PPT users in their presentations. Most of us here are not MS employees and none of us is an MS attorney, but some of us have asked these same questions of the people at MS who developed this feature.
Can I cite-Stock images in a Creative Commons article?
– Stock Images does not have a Creative Commons option or the “view source” option once inserted. Where do these photos come from and how do I cite them? Or how do I double check they’re not a copyrighted image ?
You might be thinking “How do I cite clip art or a stock image?”
Here is what my research found. to cite clip art or a stock image without reproducing it, provide an in-text citation for the image instead of a copyright attribution. Also provide a reference list entry.
Is it legal to use Microsoft Office clip art for commercial purposes?
I am no legal expert but the language of these agreements does seem to indicate that you can use the Microsoft Office clip art and images for any purpose, including commercial projects, as long as you are not redistributing or reselling the clip art and image files as a stand-along product.