What is a sandbox in veracode?

The development sandbox is a temporary store of your security analysis. Veracode retires this data based on the data retention setting that you apply. The policy scan is the true, audit-compliant record of analysis results.

In the context of a Veracode scan, an application is a collection of logically related software components performing a coordinated set of functions, and an Application Profile is used to organize assessments of an application within the Veracode Platform.

You might be thinking “What is an entry point in Veracode?”

Many Veracode analyses require an “entry point”— something that represents the launching of the application (main functions) or point of connection or communication (web page, restful, etc.) and requires the ability to trace data through all invocations in the application.

Finally, Veracode Software Composition Analysis keeps a history of what’s in the container and alerts you to new vulnerabilities, removing the requirement of rescanning the container unless you change its dependencies.

How do I create a Veracode sandbox in Jenkins?

Enter the name of the sandbox. This can be a sandbox that already exists on the Veracode Platform, or a new one that Jenkins creates. If you leave this field empty, no sandbox is used. Enter a name for the static scan you want to submit to the Veracode Platform for this application. Scan name is equivalent to Version or Build in the Veracode API.

If the checkbox is not selected, a sandbox name is provided, and a matching sandbox is not found on the Veracode Platform, the Jenkins build will fail. Select the checkbox if you want the entire Jenkins job to fail if the upload and scan with Veracode action fails.

What is container security testing with Veracode?

Container security testing ​​​with Veracode Veracode provides application security testing solutions that help to protect the software business relies on.

Where most vulnerability scan tools look at application source code, Veracode actually scans binary code (also known as “compiled” or “byte” code).

How Veracode Scans Docker Containers for Open Source Vulnerabilities | Veracode Software Composition Analysis now also scans Docker containers and images to find vulnerabilities associated with open source libraries as dependencies of the base OS image and globally installed packages.

Veracode container scanning?

Container scanning extends the Veracode vulnerability database and SCA technology to system libraries in Docker containers. Veracode Software Composition Analysis agent-based scanning supports container scanning for these Linux distributions:.

While Veracode Static Analysis will often allow scanning of a library or framework, the results will typically be less actionable (higher rate of false positives). Bottom line: If the binary or source code cannot be separately accessed (internally or externally), it should not be scanned separately.

Enter a name for the static scan you want to submit to the Veracode Platform for this application. Scan name is equivalent to Version or Build in the Veracode API. This option will submit the scan and wait the given amount of time. If the scan does not complete and pass policy compliance within the allotted time, then the build will fail.

Also, how do I bind a Veracode API ID to a script?

This is what I learned. Enter the environment variable reference to bind your Veracode API ID. If you are using an environment variable, delete the quotes around the value for vid in the pipeline script.