What are slack adjusters?

The slack adjuster is the component that is used to adjust the brakes using transfer of torque by converting convert linear motion into the rotary motion of the S-cam.

You could be wondering “What is slack adjuster for brakes?”

A Slack Adjuster is designed for use in S-Cam brakes which is mostly used in trailer and trucks, that is commercial vehicles. You can also call it an adjusting nut that is present on the back side of the brake drum and is used for brake adjustment.

On an air-brake system, the slack adjuster is what is used to adjust the brakes. It is located on the axle housing on the air canister near the wheel. On drum brakes, it’s between the pushrod and the S-cam. On disc brakes, it is between the pushrod and the power screw.

What is an air brake slack adjustment?

Slack adjusters (also called brake adjusters or just “slacks”) regulate the distance that the air brake has to travel to apply friction to the wheel.

Meritor Type Automatic Slack Adjuster for use on drum brakes with a type 30 brake chamber. Details 20+ In Stock as of December 29, 2021 18:40 PM EST. ABA stud kit for Haldex type automatic slack adjusters. Services 4 slack adjusters.

Do slack adjusters need to be serviced?

However, all brake systems, whether manual or automatic slack adjusters, should receive regular maintenance checkups. When you sign the trip inspection form, you need to check the brakes to make sure they are in adjustment. This means marking and measuring the brake stroke which is part of the trip inspection.

What does a slack adjuster do on a Honda Accord?

The slack adjuster assembly transmits the braking torque to the S-cam and facilitates the adjustment of clearance between the brake lining (brake pad) and the brake drum. It is mounted on the S-cam shaft.

The slack adjuster is located on the air canister on the axle housing near the wheel. On vehicles with drum brakes, it is between the pushrod and the S-cam.