In response to Richiestew. Texts in a green balloon are SMS, while those in a blue one are i, and message. Both parties have to be be on i. OS 5 to use it. However, they also have to have an active data connection for it to work. It is possible that one of you may lose a connection and the message will go through as an SMS.
Are imessages green or blue?
Short answer: Blue ones have been sent or received using Apple’s i. Message technology, while green ones are “traditional” text messages exchanged via Short Messaging Service, or SMS.
Why are my iMessage messages blue and green?
If you’re communicating between two Apple devices with i. Message enabled, you’ll see blue messages. If you’re communicating with any device that doesn’t use i. Message—like an Android phone, or an i. Phone that doesn’t have i. Message turned on— you’ll see green messages. What Are the Advantages of Using i, and message?
How to ensure that your i. Messages are blue Now that you know what are the differences between i. Messages and standard messages on an i. Phone, you know why are your messages green. Either you sent them to an Android user or weren’t connected to a stable network while sending them to an i, and phone user.
What is the difference between blue and green clouds in iMessages?
So, to conclude the difference between blue and green clouds in Apple Messages is: Blue — i, phone-to-i Phone network-based messaging called i. Messages with all bells and whistles and completely free. They might include carrier fees. How to ensure that your i. Messages are blue.
While we were writing we ran into the inquiry “What’s the difference between Green and blue text messages on iPhone?”.
You may have noticed that the text messages in your i. Phone’s Messages app can appear as either green or blue., and the difference? Green messages are ordinary SMS text messages, while blue messages are using Apple’s proprietary i, and message format.
What do green and blue messages mean in iPhone’s Message App?
You may have noticed that some messages in i. Phone’s Message app are green, while some are blue. What do those colors mean and does it even matter? Messages with green bubbles are normal SMS text messages.
What are the blue bubbles in iMessage?
Message with blue bubbles are sent via the i. Message instant messaging protocol—a messaging platform specific to Apple devices. If you’re communicating between two Apple devices with i. Message enabled, you’ll see blue messages.
Messages with green bubbles are normal SMS text messages. Message with blue bubbles are sent via the i. Message instant messaging protocol-a messaging platform specific to Apple devices. If you’re communicating between two Apple devices with i. Message enabled, you’ll see blue messages.
When your text message has a blue background, it means that your message exchange happened via i. Message and that you sent or received your message to and from another i, and os device.
What are iMessages on iPhone?
, i Messages are texts, photos, or videos that you send to another i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi or cellular-data networks. These messages are always encrypted and appear in blue text bubbles. To turn i. Message on or off, go to Settings > Messages.
Another thing we wanted the answer to was; what is the difference between iMessage and SMS?
, however, i Phones also use i. Message, which was built to send messages over the internet, specifically between Apple devices. Messages in green are SMS, while messages in blue are i, and messages. When sending messages to another Apple device, your i. Phone will use i, and messages.
What is the difference between iMessage and SMS on iPhone?
Messages sent using i. Message will appear in a light blue bubble, while messages sent using SMS or MMS will appear in a green bubble. Texts in a green balloon are SMS, while those in a blue one are i, and message. Both parties have to be be on i. OS 5 to use it.