The main reasons include: There is a feature in i. Tunes that allows users to hide their purchases. In some instances, you could have turned on this feature during one of your purchases. Therefore, the songs may be missing in your i, and tunes library. Another possible issue is that you might be accessing your purchases via the wrong i, and tunes account.
To solve the problems associated with i. Tunes songs missing on your i, phone, i Pad or i. Pod Touch, you should first know why the songs disappeared. The main reasons include: There is a feature in i. Tunes that allows users to hide their purchases. In some instances, you could have turned on this feature during one of your purchases.
If you subscribe to Apple Music or i. Tunes Match, you can access your music library on all of your devices. If songs are missing from your music library after you turn on Sync Library, learn what to do. Make sure that your devices have the latest version of i, os, i, pad, os, mac OS, or i. Tunes for Windows.
, open i Tunes Store or Apple Music on your computer. Look at the menu bar and click Account. Then click View My Account, you may be prompted to type your Apple ID passcode. Navigate to Hidden Purchases and tap Manage, and look for the missing songs and tap Unhide.
How to unhide purchase music from iTunes Store?
1 Open i. Tunes Store or Apple Music on your computer. 2 Look at the menu bar and click Account. Then click View My Account, you may be prompted to type your Apple ID passcode. 3 Navigate to Hidden Purchases and tap Manage, and look for the missing songs and tap Unhide pic: unhide purchase music on mac or pc.
Why can’t I find or play a song on Apple Music?
If you can’t find or play a song, check if you added it from Apple Music. If it came from another source, the song might be waiting to upload. Try these steps: Turn on your Mac or PC and connect it to the Internet. Open the Music app or i. Tunes for Windows. Keep the Music app or i. Tunes for Windows open so your library can finish uploading.