(You can also choose Edit > Spelling > Autocorrect to turn this feature on or off quickly.)
From the Language menu, choose which language the autocorrections are applied to. To correct capitalization errors (such as typing “ germany ” instead of “Germany”), select Autocorrect Capitalization Errors More items.
Check spelling
If your document includes foreign-language text, select the text and use the Language menu on the Character panel to specify the language for that text., and spell-checking begins. If you want to change the range of your spell-checking, do any of the following, and then click Start to begin checking the spelling: In the Search drop-down, choose one When unfamiliar or misspelled words or other possible errors are displayed, choose an option: Click Skip to continue spell-checking without changing the highlighted word. You can also set the direction of the spell-check as Forward or Backward. Some additional things to keep in mind are: by default, forward is selected, or see more.
The Check Spelling dialog box appears. 4 Select Story from the Search drop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog box so that only this text frame is searched. A story is the In. Design term for a text frame and any other text frames that are linked to it.
Lets dig a little deeper! when you check spelling, the dictionary for the languages you assigned to the text is used. You can quickly add words to the dictionary. Select Misspelled Words to find words that do not appear in the language dictionary.
One answer is, click Import, locate the text file containing your list of spelling exceptions, and then click Open. Use Dictionary preferences to specify how In. Design handles hyphenation and spelling dictionaries. Most languages in In. Design use Proximity dictionaries to verify spelling and to hyphenate words.
How to use the spell checker in Microsoft Word?
Note: If you don’t have a text box selected, the Spell Checker will check the whole document. This will run the Spell Check on the selected text box.
A query we ran across in our research was “How do I change the spelling settings of a spelling check?”.
For example, when you run a spelling check (Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling), you can click Add and enter the settings you want.
How do I spell-check a document or story?
, and spell-checking begins. Select Document to check the entire document. Select All Documents to check all open documents. Select Story to check all text in the currently selected frame, including text in other threaded text frames and overset text. Select Stories to check stories in all selected frames.
How do I add a dictionary to InDesign?
If, during a spell check, In. Design displays an unfamiliar word in the Check Spelling dialog box, select the dictionary from the Add To menu, and then click Add. You can also use the Dictionary dialog box to let you specify the target dictionary and language, and to indicate how words are added to an exception word list.