Splunk multiple where clause?

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How do I use the where clause in Spl2?

The wherecommand expects a predicate expression. In most cases you can use the WHERE clause in the fromcommand instead of using the wherecommand separately. Specify wildcards You can only specify a wildcard with the wherecommand by using the likefunction.

The where command is identical to the WHERE clause in the from command. Typically you use the where command when you want to filter the result of an aggregation or a lookup. You can use wildcards to match characters in string values. With the where command, you must use the like function.

What is lookup in splunk?

Splunk Lookup helps you in adding a field from an external source based on the value that matches your field in the event data. It enriches the data while comparing different event fields. Splunk lookup command can accept multiple event fields and destfields.

What is lookup table in Splunk?

A lookup table is a mapping of keys and values. Splunk Lookup helps you in adding a field from an external source based on the value that matches your field in the event data. It enriches the data while comparing different event fields. Splunk lookup command can accept multiple event fields and destfields.

How do I upload a lookup file to Splunk?

We select lookup table files as shown below. We browse to select the file productidvals. Csv as our lookup file to be uploaded and select search as our destination app. We also keep the same destination file name. On clicking the save button, the file gets saved to the Splunk repository as a lookup file.

Related Answers Splunk – Example external scripted lookup Transaction command over a large dataset Error in ‘search’ command: Unable to parse the sea Lookup table to a lookup table.

What is Splunk product ID lookup?

Splunk lookup work in a similar fashion. For example, you have a product_id value which matches its definition in a different file, say a CSV file. Lookup can help you to map the details of the product in a new field.

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