Static files are not loading in django?

If you see your CSS or static files are not added properly, you can check the browser console output. You can see the error message. It has clearly mentioned that static file is not found. There can be multiple reason if the Django is unable to loacte static files. Check the static file directory and file names.

You could be thinking “How to debug static files not loading in Django?”

We will also see how you can debug if your static files are not properly loading in the Django template. Open setting file (settings. py) in your Django project and set STATIC_URL and STATICFILES_DIRS variables. BASE_DIR is the path to the Django project files.

How to keep static files in multiple directories in Django?

You can keep the static files in multiple directories. For example, you might want to keep one static file directory for each Django app. In this case, you can list down all the static file paths inside in STATICFILES_DIRS list .

, and run manage. Py with find static option. If Django project able tp locate the CSS, it will return path to your CSS file. If the CSS static file not found, it will throw an err as “No matching file found” $python manage. Py findstatic css/style. Css No matching file found for ‘css/style., and css’.

Django template does not exist?

Django template does not exist. This feature is not available right now. This is how 110 reported templates that did not exist when called by include in another template. The concepts of tags and filters exist both in the django template language and in jinja2 but theyre used differently.

Another frequently asked question is “Django admin template does not exist?”.

Confirm if Django is looking for templates in app directories. For this you need to see templates setting in settings., and py file. Check if APP_DIR is set to True. If this is set to False, Django won’t look for templates in app directories.

What happened to template_dirs in Django?

The TEMPLATE_DIRS setting was deprecated back in Django 1.8. The current method for defining templates is the TEMPLATE setting. I have updated the above post by using templates ,you can check ,is this you are talking, it is not working In what directory is your emp. Html file located? The directory structure is templates/testApp/emp., and html.

This tells Django to look for a templates directory in your project directory (the one containing manage. py. However your templates directory is in your inner project directory (the one containing settings. py. Change the DIRS settings to point to the current location of the templates directory.

This of course begs the query “How to find Django templates in Django?”

Mean that Django will look at the templates from templates/ directory under your project. Assuming your Django project is located at /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/projectname/ then with your settings django will look for the templates under /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/projectname/templates/.

From what I can tell though, Django is looking for login. Html in the correct directory and gives the message Source doesn’t exist.

Is it possible to have two template-engines in Django?

, template, does, not Exist on ‘admin/index. Html’ The app’s settings. Py was configured to only run django., and template., and backends ., jinja2 Jinja2 as TEMPLATES BACKEND. But Admin needs the standard django., and template., and backends., and django., django Templates to make it work. I read, that it was possible to have two template-engines configured.

Do I need to run collectstatic in Django?

Unless you work on Django server and it serves your static files. According you the Django docs your app structure is OK. When you will setup your prod and start serve static by Apache/Nginx/etc, than you will need to run collectstatic.

How to solve Django templatedoesnotexist error?

If you are facing above template error, there is a high possibility that at-least one of the below listed point applies to you. Wrong template name: Make sure when rendering the template, you are using right name of template.

, django template, does, not Exist error means simply that the framework can’t find the template file. To use the template-loading API, you’ll need to tell the framework where you store your templates. The place to do this is in your settings file (settings. py) by TEMPLATE_DIRS setting.