It’s a snapshot of you, but not you at your best ., in hub Spot, a static list is a snapshot of your data at one point in time. Sure, it looked that way at one point, but since then it’s cleaned itself up, gotten more complex, and trimmed the fat- just like you following your resolutions.
What are active and static lists in HubSpot?
There are two types of lists in your Hub. Spot account : active lists and static lists. Active lists automatically update their members based on its criteria. Records will join the list when they meet the criteria and leave the list when they no longer meet the criteria. Examples of when active lists should be used include:.
You should be wondering “What are the uses of lists in HubSpot?”
Some uses of lists in Hub. Spot include: Sending customer satisfaction surveys to contacts with a static list. The above uses are currently not available for company lists. However, you can still create a list to analyze the contacts or companies that fit a certain criteria.
Static lists include records who meet a set criteria at the point when the list is saved. Static lists do not update automatically, so new records who meet the criteria will not be added to the list. Records can be manually added and removed from static lists.
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “How do I create a contact list in HubSpot?”.
In your Hub. Spot account, navigate to Contacts > Lists. In the upper right, click Create list. In the left panel, select Contact-based to create a list of contacts, or Company-based to create a list of companies . In the right panel, enter a name for the list and select if you want an Active list or a Static list.
What is a task queue in hubspot?
A filtered list of contacts that shows you the most important people to focus on. A written list of goals you want to achieve in a given day or week. A playlist of activities you can work through, one at a time. The feature in Hub. Spot CRM that helps you create multiple tasks at once.
You can also invite other users in your Hub. Spot account to work on the tasks in a queue. When you start the task queue, it will bring you to an associated record (a contact, company, etc.) to complete the first task .
What is a task queue?
A playlist of activities you can work through, one at a time. A filtered list of contacts that shows you the most important people to focus on. A written list of goals you want to achieve in a given day or week. The feature in Hub. Spot CRM that helps you create multiple tasks at once.
How to complete tasks back-to-back in HubSpot?
To complete tasks back-to-back, you can create a task queue. You can also invite other users in your Hub. Spot account to work on the tasks in a queue. When you start the task queue, it will bring you to an associated record (a contact, company, etc.) to complete the first task.
, in hub Spot, you can create tasks, assign them to yourself and other users, and be assigned tasks by other users in your account. To complete tasks back-to-back, you can create a task queue. You can also invite other users in your Hub. Spot account to work on the tasks in a queue.
How do I share a task queue with other users?
In the right panel, drag the queues to the order you want and click Save. If you have access to workflows or sequences, you can create tasks automatically and add them to a shared task queue, allowing other users to view and complete the tasks.