Posted: (5 days ago) Typing exit or logout in a Linux shell sometimes says “There are stopped Jobs” because pressing Ctrl+Z caused the program or process to suspend. It can be enabled by command typing or run in the background. Enter the command JOBS in the shell to see a list of stopped processes.
When I was researching we ran into the question “How do I get a list of suspended jobs in Linux?”.
Typically this happens when a program is run and suspended (with ctrl z ). To get a list of such jobs, use the command jobs on the terminal and use fg to revive each of those jobs and quit them properly.
How to kill the last suspended job in the terminal?
Using kill %: this command will kill the last suspended job in the terminal by default and if you specify the number of the suspended job it will kill the mentioned job with %? How to resume the job? Fg % command will bring the suspended job to the active terminal and bg % command will bring back the job to the background.
How to stop or resume a job in Linux?
When you press ctrl-z on actively running job or command it will suspend the job and release the prompt. But the job will be stopped and remain idle in the back ground. If you try to logout the window or session you will get a message saying “There are stopped jobs.” You can stop or resume the jobs using following commands.
Where %1 is the number of job as read from jobs command. You can also use jobs -l to list PIDs and use kill command as usual.
What to do when your Linux system hangs itself?
Were just reaching for the combination [Ctrl]+ [Alt]+ [Del] (Control Alt Delete). But if you try this in Linux nothing happens (in some distributions, like Ubuntu, you actually get the menu for shutting down your system, but this don’t work when your system hags or freezes ).
Here are various ways to deal with a frozen Linux system. Kill an unresponsive program with xkill 2. Revive a frozen Linux system with virtual consoles (TTY) 3. When everything else fails, talk with the Kernel using Sys, and req.
What to do when linux freezes?
What you can do, is to perform a gentle Linux restart. This is much safer way to restart your frozen Linux. To do this, you need to press: Ctrl + Alt + Prt. Sc (Sys. Rq) + reisub Just to make it clear. You need to press and hold Ctrl, Alt and Prt. Sc (Sys. Rq) buttons, and while holding them, you need to press r, e, i, s, u, b.
What key-commands should I press when my Linux box freezes?
If your Linux box freezes and simply won’t yield to any other key-commands, you should definitely try one particular key sequence before a hard reboot. The key sequence is popularly remembered with the mnemonic: Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring Alt+Sys. Rq+Rswitch keyboard to ‘raw’ mode.