All that said, there could also be one other explanation: The text might have align to baseline grid turned on. If that’s the case, then pulling the text frame onto the pasteboard would allow it to appear, as noted in this other great article.
One way to think about this is This is a very common problem in In. Design and can be very confusing if you’re not expecting it. The object under (or over) the text frame probably has text wrap turned on. You have two options.
Why are my text boxes not showing up in word?
This could very well be a text wrap issue. In order to make that specific text box be independent of the text wrap settings, select the text frame and then navigate to Object > Text Frame Options, then select the ” Ignore Text Wrap” option.
How do I Turn Off text wrap in InDesign?
If you want to disable the text wrap entirely, you can select the object (the picture or background frame or whatever), choose Window > Text Wrap, and click the first button. Alternatively, you can tell In. Design that this particular text frame (the one you want to put over the image/background) should not be affected by text wrap.
Alternatively, you can tell In. Design that this particular text frame (the one you want to put over the image/background) should not be affected by text wrap. To do that, select the text frame, choose Object > Text Frame Options (or press Command/Ctrl+B) and turn on the Ignore Text Wrap checkbox. More after the jump! Continue reading below ↓.
How do I get rid of text wrap in word?
Move the text frame above the image that has a Text Wrap applied. With text frame selected, go to Object > Text Frame options and check the Ignore Text Frame box in the bottom left-hand corner of the dialog box. This isn’t the only way of getting around an image or object interfering with other text in a document.
How to wrap text around an object in InDesign?
Step 1: Open In. Design and then import the document you want to edit by going to “File > Open.” Step 2: To open the text wrap panel click on “Window > Text Wrap”. Step 3: Select the object you want to wrap text around using the Selection tool or the direct selection tool. Step 4: Now select the desired wrap shape from the text wrap panel.
How to wrap text around text in AutoCAD?
To display the Text Wrap panel, choose Window > Text Wrap. Using the Selection tool or Direct Selection tool, select the object you want to wrap text around. In the Text Wrap panel, click the desired wrap shape: Wrap Around Bounding Box.
You could be asking “How do I wrap text around an image in illustrator?”
Navigate to the Text Wrap panel, select Window > Text Wrap. Import the image and prepare the text that you would want to wrap around a subject. Select the image, and from the Text Wrap panel, select Wrap around object shape. Select Wrap around object shape icon.