Unfiled amounts are transactions where VAT occurred in the period of the return after it was published. Usually, if you’re publishing your VAT Returns in Xero in sequential order, any Late Claims (unfiled amounts) should be included in your next VAT Return period as a late claim or adjustment .
One query we ran across in our research was “How do I check for unfiled amounts in Xero?”.
Some believe that if Xero is able to check for unfiled amounts, the Activity Statement will display the message Unfiled amounts is on for this statement. To see if any unfiled amounts have been included, check the Transactions by tax rate or Transactions by BAS field reports, where they show separately from the other transactions.
You will notice Xero displaying a notification of by how much total is out. The difference is the overpayment. Click the New Transaction dropbox and then select Receive Money and Select Overpayment from the Received As drop-down field.
What is final pay in Xero payroll?
When an employee finishes work with your business you will need to complete their final pay in Xero Payroll. Final pays can consist of many components, including unpaid wages and leave entitlements, and termination components like leave in lieu or redundancy.
How to process in Xero: Step 1 : Go to payroll settings and add a pay item called Eligible Termination Payment – Type R Step 2 : Ensure the employee’s annual leave is correct as showing as owing in Xero Step 3 : Set up an unscheduled pay run for the terminated employee. Click into the pay and choose Final Pay.
To prompt the final EPS to be sent by Xero, the final pay run has to be posted before the 19th of the following month. Once you’ve posted the final pay run, you can enter the cease date in the Payroll Settings.
End your employee’s employment in Xero. Process their final pay run/s. Please note, a pay run for the current tax month will need to be posted before you enter the cease date. As an example, as we are now in the July tax month, a pay run with a payment date between 6th July – 5th August, needs to be posted.
Add a new pay run and process the final days of pay like normal. Post your pay run & create the draft bill. To pay out the unpaid leave entitlement, you must first prepare a leave application for the total hours. Modify the number of hours – this will be the leave balance after you have accrued any leave on the final pay run as processed in Step 1.
What happens to my Activity statements when I disable Xero?
You’ll still be able to access all your Activity Statements, including any you’ve already lodged with Xero. When you disable the connection, all users of your organisation will lose the ability to file from Xero.
What should I do if my Xero connection fails?
If the connection fails, you’ll need to contact the ATO to confirm if your connection is live. If you’ve made a mistake on your Activity Statement, the ATO advice is to fix it as soon as possible. Xero automatically adds late transactions to the Activity Statement as unfiled amounts. For any other GST adjustments, click Adjust at label 1A or 1B.
How to deal with overpayment from customer in Xero?
Dealing With Overpayment From Customer in Xero Once the overpayment from customer is recorded it’s time to now take it to the logical conclusion. As said above, there are two ways of doing it. Either allocate the overpayment to a new (or an existing) invoice or make a refund to the customer.
When you approve the bill, Xero will prompt you to allocate the outstanding credit. Enter the amount to apply as a credit on the bill. You can allocate less than the full amount of the overpayment, for example if the overpayment is more than the amount of the bill.
You can allocate less than the full amount of the overpayment, for example if the overpayment is more than the amount of the bill. In the Business menu, select Purchases overview. Click See all. Select the Awaiting Payment tab, then open the overpayment.
What is an unfiled GST amount?
Hi Guys hope this will help. Unfiled GST amounts happens if you change a Previously BAS excluded expense or income from a previous quarter in to a GST free income or expense or GST income/expense transaction.