How to upload project on github?

First You have to create an account on Github
Then create new Project – name that Project as you want then your project url is shown
Now copy the url
Then open Command Prompt and go to the directory or folder which you want to upload using cmd
Then type the following Commands git init git add. Git commit -m “initial commit” git remote add origin PASTE URL git push -u origin master
Now check your Git. Hub account, Repository is successfully uploaded.

Select the repository directory ( cd ) Run the following commands. Git init git remote add origin git add. Git commit -m “commit” git push origin master. Reload your Git. Hub repository page …. Now your project will upload successfully.

2 git init. 3 git add. 4 git commit -m “Initial. Commit”. 5 git remote add origin URLHERE (paste the git url that you get after creating repository) 6 git push -u origin master.

Firstly you need a local fork of the the project, so go ahead and press the “fork” button in Git, and hub. This will create a copy of the repository in your own Git. Hub account and you’ll see a note that it’s been forked underneath the project name:.

One query we ran across in our research was “How do I add an existing Git repository to GitHub?”.

You can add an existing Git repository to Git. Hub using Git, and hub desktop. Using the command line, remove any git remotes currently configured for the repository.

How do I contribute to a project on GitHub?

Look for a project’s contribution instructions. If there are any, follow them. Create a personal fork of the project on Github. Clone the fork on your local machine. Your remote repo on Github is called origin.

Step-by-step guide to contributing on Git. Hub Step 1: Sign into Git, and hub. Sign into your Git. Hub account, or create a free Git. Hub account if you don’t have one. Step 2: Fork the project repository. This creates a copy of the project repository in your Git, and hub account. Step 3: Clone your fork.

Let us dig in! you can contribute to an open source project by validating an issue or adding additional context to an existing issue. You can contribute to an open source project by merging a pull request into your local copy of the project and testing the changes. Add the outcome of your testing in a comment on the pull request .

What can I do with my files uploaded to GitHub?

All the files and directories are uploaded to your Github account. Now you can manage, revert, access or do any changes in your repositories like this.

Add filename (filename is the file name that you want to upload) or you can type the command below if you want to add all the files in the folder: git add. Then type: git commit -m “adding files”. And then: git push -u origin master. And then you should be all set, if you refresh your Git. Hub account the files should be there :).

What is this github project for?

This is a project to help with Git. Hub membership visibility, practice with basic and advance git commands, getting started with open source, and more. “Open Advice” – Knowledge collection from a wide variety of Free Software projects.