The README on Git. Hub has details for Word. Press site owners and developers. And there are API docs for developers. Once you activate the Font Awesome plugin, you will see Font Awesome in the Settings menu in your Word. Press admin area, or you can click “Settings” on the plugin listing on the Plugins page.
How to add Font Awesome support to WordPress?
When you click on an icon, Font Awesome will give you the code that you need to use the icon: All you need to do is place that code in the Text tab of the Word. Press Editor to add an icon to your site. And that’s it! You’ve successfully added Font Awesome support to Word, and press.
When I was researching we ran into the inquiry “Is there an API for Font Awesome for developers?”.
And there are API docs for developers. Once you activate the Font Awesome plugin, you will see Font Awesome in the Settings menu in your Word. Press admin area, or you can click “Settings” on the plugin listing on the Plugins page. The plugin is set to serve Font Awesome Free icons as a Web Font via the Font Awesome CDN by default.
How do I add Font Awesome icons to my website?
Once you’ve enqueued the stylesheet, you can insert Font Awesome icons into your site by going to the Font Awesome icon search and finding an icon that you want to insert: When you click on an icon, Font Awesome will give you the code that you need to use the icon:.
You can also use basic HTML with standard Font Awesome syntax, like this: To use a Kit, create a Kit on FontAwesome . Com and select “Pro icons” in the settings. Then grab your API Token from your Font Awesome account page to add into the Word. Press Kit settings.
The easiest way to access icons is to simply use the Icon widget that’s available in the free version of Elementor: But Font Awesome icons will also make an appearance in other widgets – like the Icon Box or Icon List.
What are the best font icons for WordPress?
And of the many font icon collections out there, Font Awesome is one of the absolute best. But unfortunately, you can’t just jump in and start using Font Awesome icons on Word. Press right away.