The Windows spreadsheet program Excel can use functions that refer to specific cell references in the same way that a formal programming uses variables. An example of using a variable in Excel would be to take the region-by-region total sales figures, put them in specific cells, and refer to those cells for additional analysis.
You can use ( hidden ) cells as variables. G, you could hide Column C, set C1 to Alternatively you can write VBA Macros which set and read a global variable. Edit: AKX renders my Answer partially incorrect. I had no idea you could name cells in Excel.
What is the best way to enter variables in Excel?
It seems that the best practice here is to use Alt+ Enter after each variable definition in the formula. While your formulas could be A, B, C, and D, it does not hurt to use meaningful variable names, just like you would do in any programming language.
How to declare variables in Excel VBA?
You can define a variable that doesn’t have to “live” within a cell and then you can use it in formulas. The lingo in excel is different, you don’t “declare variables”, you “name” cells or arrays. You can use (hidden) cells as variables. Alternatively you can write VBA Macros which set and read a global variable.
Global variables will lose their data when Excel VBA ends (or file gets closed). A down side of using global variables in a procedure is, you need always to check its value before using it the first time. Because if it was not initialized yet it is Empty or Nothing.
You may be wondering “How to declare global variables in Excel VBA?”
Global & Public are the two keywords to declare the variable and make them available across modules in VBA. Once the excel macro runs with a global variable’s value, the variable is the same across all the Sub procedures. It is better to maintain a particular module to declare global variables in VBA and have all the variables in one module.
VBA global variables, multiple workbooks Ask Question Asked11 years, 3 months ago Active9 years, 11 months ago Viewed17k times 2 1 I have a VB application, that uses some global variables to store data that is required by multiple forms and modules, this works fine.
How to use a global variable in a module?
You can utilize a Global variable in your Modules, Functions, Sub Procedures and Classes. You declare a Global variable, in the Declarations Section, under the Options Explicit statement and using the keyword Global. The way you declare a Global level variable is shown below. Both of the Sub Procedures in Module1 can use this variable.
You might be wondering “What is the difference between a function and a global variable?”
Some functions are defined inside a function and are used within the functions and some variables are defined outside of the functions and are used by all the functions and such variables are used as Global Variables, for example, the variables declared under the sub-function are known as Global Variables.