Click on the Excel tab from the menu on top of your screen. In the new dialog window that opens, you can see the version number as well as the license type. We hope that this article was able to help you in determining which version of Excel you have.
Select the File tab from the Excel ribbon and then select Help. Your version of Excel will appear under About Microsoft Excel. Select the File tab from the Excel ribbon, then select Account > About Excel. Your version of Excel will appear in the top line of the window.
These versions of Excel are 32-bit. Select the File tab from the Excel ribbon and then select Help. Your version of Excel will appear under About Microsoft Excel. Select the File tab from the Excel ribbon, then select Account > About Excel.
How do I know what version of Excel I have?
Under Product Information, you’ll find your Excel version name and, in some cases, the full version number. For more information, click on About Excel. A dialog box opens, showing the full version number and bit version (32-bit or 64-bit).
To check the Version from Excel 2016 start Excel an click on File / Account. On the right side you see the office main version. In the scrrenshot it is 2016. Below you find the exact version. In the screenshot it is 1707 (Build 8326.2096).
For more information, such as the bit-version, choose About Excel. A dialog box opens, showing the full version number and bit version (32-bit or 64-bit). Open any Office application, such as Word and create a new document.
How to check Microsoft Excel version and build number on Mac?
Click on Excel on the Mac Menu Bar and then select About Microsoft Excel. In the About Excel dialog box, all details will be displayed! So, you can either look at the starting screen of the application, the menu ribbon, or the help/about option in Excel to get information like product version, build number, etc.
What are the different versions of Microsoft Excel?
We know that Microsoft Excel has different features across different versions and there are several Excel version, like Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016!
What is the latest version of excel?
Excel 365 is the latest, greatest and most powerful Excel version you can use and it is available for a very modest monthly subscription. Many commentators speculated that there would never be an Excel 2019.
Some have found that the first Microsoft Excel version for Windows was labeled “2” to correspond to the Mac version . It included a run-time version of Windows and was actually a port of the Mac “Excel 2”. The next version added toolbars, drawing capabilities, outlining, add-in support, 3D charts, and many more new features.
Yet another question we ran across in our research was “What is the latest version of Excel on Office 365?”.
The latest version of Excel will always be found in the latest version of Office on an Office 365 subscription. Right now, that is Office 2016 on the Office 365 subscription.
Will there ever be an Excel 2019?
Many commentators speculated that there would never be an Excel 2019. Microsoft kept us guessing right up to the last minute before announcing that there would indeed be another “perpetual licence” version of Office that would be sold alongside Excel 365.