What versions of adobe acrobat are supported?

Adobe Acrobat XI is the final version of Adobe Acrobat to support Windows XP, Windows Vista (unofficially bypassing installation, version X is the last officially-supported version) and OS X versions 10.6 – 10.8.

Adobe Acrobat relates to Office Tools. This PC program works fine with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8. The following versions: 11.0, 10.1 and 9.5 are the most frequently downloaded ones by the program users.

How do I find out what version of Adobe Acrobat I have?

Acrobat Reader DC: Choose Help > About Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. The pop-up window shows the product name, associated version string, and copyright message.

Beginning in this version, version numbers are now labeled by year of release, not by the number of the release. As such, this has version number “15” instead of “12”. Adobe Acrobat DC is split into two tracks, continuous and classic.

This begs the question “What is the difference between Acrobat 9 and previous versions of acrobat?”

Previous versions of Adobe Acrobat activated multiple PDF files in the same window (except for version 8 where MDI was only an alternative option and the default mode SDI). Acrobat 9 however, only uses the single document interface scheme, wherein each PDF file is activated in an instance of Adobe Acrobat.

Which file formats are supported in Acrobat X Pro?

Video formats (Acrobat XI Pro and Acrobat X Pro) You can place these file formats in Acrobat X Pro PDFs for playback in Acrobat X and Adobe Reader X. 1 Direct placement without transcoding is supported in Acrobat X Pro. 2 Playback is compatible with earlier versions of Adobe Reader.

1 Direct placement without transcoding is supported in Acrobat 9 Pro, Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, or later. 2 Playback is compatible with Adobe Reader 9 and earlier but requires that a compatible multimedia player is available when viewing. Note: Acrobat X supports only mp3 Audio.