Most of the time when you get the ‘Cached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error it is because there is not enough room on your RAM (memory) to load these temporary video files. Disk cache files are temporary video files that are typically rendered in the background while you’re working in After Effects.
If your computer’s audio output is correct, it could be that After Effects internal Audio Output setting is incorrect. You can also check this if your After Effects sound if coming through the wrong output, for example, coming through your speakers rather than your headphones.
In the Output tab, choose the hardware you wish to use from the list and close the window. Check After Effects Audio Output If your computer’s audio output is correct, it could be that After Effects internal Audio Output setting is incorrect.
Why is there no sound coming out of after effects?
Sometimes the simplest problems can be overlooked, by checking if other apps are still providing sound, you can be pretty sure the problem is within After Effects. Check the Computer’s Audio Output Sometimes your computer’s audio output may change, and it simply doesn’t know where to send the sound.
How to enable audio output in after effects?
Check After Effects Audio Output To start, open up the After Effects Preferences panel but going to After Effects > Preferences Select the Audio Output Mapping tab, and check the Left and Right settings match the hardware you wish to use. Next, go to the Audio Hardware tab. Check the Device Class is.
You may already be familiar with rendering for effects in After Effects, but audio can need rendering as well. Each layer on your timeline is an element After Effects needs to prepare for playback. The more straightforward this information is for your device to interpret, the better quality playback you will see.
Why is my video slow in after effects?
After Effects must use memory and processor resources to update open panels, which may slow the work that you are doing in another panel. Create a region of interest. If you are working on a small part of your composition, limit which portion of the composition is rendered to the screen during previews.
A question we ran across in our research was “Why does after effects run so slow on my computer?”.
If you run applications other than those with which After Effects shares a memory pool, and you don’t allocate adequate memory to other applications, performance can be greatly reduced when the operating system swaps RAM to the hard disk. Stop or pause resource-intensive operations in other applications, such as video previews in Adobe Bridge.
A common question we ran across in our research was “Why is my screen redraw speed so slow in after effects?”.
When After Effects displays the Composition, Layer, and Footage panels at magnifications greater than 100%, screen redraw speed decreases. (See Zoom an image for preview .).
Why is my footage slow to load?
If your source footage files are on a slow disk drive (or across a slow network connection), then performance will be poor. Ideally, use separate fast local disk drives for source footage files and rendered output.
Why is my audio output not working on my computer?
Sometimes your computer’s audio output may change, and it simply doesn’t know where to send the sound. Check this next to narrow down the source of the problem further. In the Output tab, choose the hardware you wish to use from the list and close the window.