How to view someone’s calendar in outlook?

The next time you want to view the shared Calendar, you can click it in the Navigation Pane. If the other person whose Calendar you want to open has not granted you permission to view it, Outlook prompts you to ask the person for the permission that you need.

You might be thinking “How to show calendar in Outlook 2013?”

Make sure that there is a button showing before the Date Navigator / Calendar. Not only the Mail view, when you shift to the Contacts or the Tasks view, you can also see the Calendar showing in the To-Do Bar in Outlook 2007/2010, but if you want to show the calendar on other view in Outlook 2013, you need to check.

How to view calendar permissions in outlook?

View calendar permissions in Outlook. You can easily view your calendar permissions in Outlook as follows: Right-click the specified calendar, and select Share > Calendar Permissions from the right-clicking menu. See screenshot: Note: You can also open the specified calendar, and then click Folder > Calendar Permissions on the Ribbon.

While we were writing we ran into the query “How do I display the calendar as a list in outlook?”.

Open Outlook, go to the Calendar view and choose the View tab from the ribbon. On the View tab, click Change view and choose List ( Fig. 1. ). Locating the List view in Outlook. The calendar will now switch to the List view ( Fig. 2. ). Calendar displayed as a list.

One inquiry we ran across in our research was “How to open other people’s calendars in outlook?”.

Viewing other people’s calendars in Outlook is quite easy and can be done in no more than a few clicks. Here’s what you have to do: From the Calendar page in Outlook, go to Open Calendar > Open Shared Calendar.

How do I view a shared calendar?

Select the name of the person whose calendar you would like to view from the list. Click OK. (Note: This person must first grant you permission to view their calendar) Click OK. The shared calendar will appear on the right side of your screen.

How do I view a calendar from an address book?

In Calendar view, from the top ribbon select Open Calendar. Search for the name of the person whose calendar you would like to view in Global Address List. Once you have found the person you are looking for, double-click the individual to select and click OK.

How can I see who can see my calendar?

The closest thing to this is to check who is able to see your calendar. You can do this by going to Share > Calendar Permissions. You’ll see a full list of people who have access to your calendar and the type of access.

How do I view the availability of other people’s calendars?

You can view the availability of other people by viewing their calendar before scheduling a meeting . In Calendar view, from the top ribbon select Open Calendar. Search for the name of the person whose calendar you would like to view in Global Address List.

How do I control how others see my schedule in outlook?

It’s actually pretty easy, but odds are good you’d never find it on your own. Open Outlook to the Calendar view and find your calendar folder in the navigation pane on the left side of the window — it will simply be called Calendar.