Will vision be alive after wandavision?

There have been a lot of unanswered questions about the return of Vision, but yes, technically, the character lives on in some capacity.

Will vision survive wandavision?

The more reasonable assumption is that, months after the events of Wanda. Vision, Vision is still dead. This means Wanda. Vision will likely end in tragedy, as Scarlet Witch ‘s false reality crumbles around her and she loses Vision once again.

Will vision be resurrected in’WandaVision’?

, wanda Vision hasn’t given many hints regarding the nature of the character’s apparent resurrection either. In fact, for most of the Disney+ show’s first four installments, there didn’t seem to be anything really wrong with Vision., and at all. Follow all of Inverse’s Wanda. Vision coverage at our Wanda, and vision hub.

The idea that Vision is only alive within a made-up world means that he could cease to exist once the alternate reality disintegrates. If that happens, then Vision will die by the end of Wanda. Vision and shouldn’t return in any capacity for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

It’s also the only feasible way that Wanda. Vision could bring Vision back into the greater MCU universe while still maintaining life and death stakes for its characters. Wanda’s Vision couldn’t leave the hex, but White Vision—with the body of the original Vision—sure could.

One source argued that There are plenty of possible explanations for how Vision is (seemingly) alive in Wanda. Vision, and what that terrifying scene in episode 4 really meant. One theory, in particular, posits that Vision’s resurrection was made possible not by Wanda, but a villain from the Marvel comics that has been heavily rumored to be appearing in Wanda, and vision.

Is vision dead in’WandaVision’?

Vision is alive in ‘Wanda. Vision,’ but definitely died in Avengers: Infinity War. Here’s a refresher as to how that happened, and how he might be back alive now.

, wanda Vision isn’t a prequel, which means that Vision really is supposed to be dead. Admittedly, superheroes are resurrected on the daily, but with all the mystery surrounding Wanda. Vision, there are a lot of questions to be unravelled here, starting with the most obvious of all: is Vision alive or dead?

Moreover, is vision dead or Alive in WandaVision?

We know for definite that he was dead, twice in fact. And currently, he appears to be alive. Vision doesn’t seem to remember anything that happened before Westview, nor does he recall being JARVIS or an Avenger.

Also, what happened to vision in’WandaVision’?

, wanda Vision focuses on two Marvel heroes of the last half decade: Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, and Vision. Marvel fans may be wondering: Wait a minute. Didn’t Vision die? Update, 2/26: Episode 8 of Wanda. Vision made it 100% what happened to Vision after the events of Avengers: Infinity War, and how he’s still alive at the beginning of Wanda, and vision.

Is the vision in WandaVision the original Wanda?

This could also mean that the Vision in Wanda. Vision may not be the original, who might remain dead, and instead, a Vision from another dimension of the Multiverse meets the Scarlet Witch fans already know. There might even be different versions of Vision (and possibly even Wanda) from different parts of the Multiverse in Wanda, and vision.

Will vision return to Doctor Strange in WandaVision?

If that happens, then Vision will die by the end of Wanda. Vision and shouldn’t return in any capacity for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. His story has been played out and there’s not much left for him to do.

Will WandaVision end in tragedy?

This means Wanda. Vision will likely end in tragedy, as Scarlet Witch ‘s false reality crumbles around her and she loses Vision once again.

, wanda Vision’s finale acts as a definitive ending to the story of Scarlet Witch and Vision, but also opens the path for a new beginning. Where can Vision go next in the MCU after Wanda, and vision?